Chapter 16

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~ Chapter 16 ~

Darrell Curtis's Point of View

"I thought I told you boys to clean up," I say, looking around the pit of a living room. There's clothes and towels and shit on the couch where I was about to put Blair down. I readjust her in my arms and she winces. She couldn't make it up the stairs, so I just carried her. She ain't heavy. 

"We-Well, we forgot," Soda says, scratching the back of his neck. Ponyboy tries to shove all the stuff off, but I just put her in my chair, sighing and apologizing. Blair insists that it's okay, but I don't like it one bit. I told them to clean it. You don't bring a girl into a house of boys and not clean it. There's a difference. 

I take the walker from Two-bit and set it next to her on the side that doesn't have a coffee table. I pick up my coffee cup from a few days ago. It wasn't all their mess, by I did tell them to clean it. They made it even worse. They expect me to go to the rumble with the house like this? I can't come back to the house looking like this. 

"We're playing truth or dare, you wanna play, Dare?" Soda calls from the living room. 

"I gotta clean up because y'all clearly didnt," I shout back, dumping all the dishes into the sink. If I get this done by the rumble, maybe I'll go, but I clearly dont have time to rest like I'd like to. Instead, I start making some coffee as I clean. 

I peek in on the game a few times as I grab some of the stuff from the living room. As I'm leaving one time, I stop to listen to a truth they ask Blair. "Blair, how do you feel about Darry?" I squint at the floor. 

"What do you mean?" Blair replies. 

"Ya like him? I mean-"

"He's okay," Blair answers. "I mean, I think he's been real nice. He didn't have to stay with me like he did. I ain't had someone care like that in a long time." There's silence for a few seconds. "I don't know how he's been with you recentl-"

"I think he likes you," Sodapop says, interrupting her. "He makes googly eyes at you every time he sees you." Everyone laughs a little bit. I don't like her, not like that. She just…She saved Pony, that's all. I mean, yeah, she's pretty and she's nice and sweet and tuff and…and I might like her just a little bit. 

"Trust me, I don't think so," Blair laughs back. I lean against the wall and keep listening. "Why not? He came to see you every day," Pony asks. "That says something for a guy as busy as he is." 

I always made time for Blair, she was important to me. Blair was my priority. She saved Ponyboy, helping her out was the least I can do. I'm gonna pay the hospital bills when I can, she saved their lives. Their lives are worth more than whatever that hospital bill is, no matter the cost 

"He felt bad," Blair argues.

"Nah, man, he was real worried. Scarily worried," Two-bit laughs. I wasn't that worried I don't think. How would they even know how nervous I was? I just wanted to help her feel better. I didn't want her to die because she saved their lives, she deserves to have a good, long life. I wouldn't say that I was too concerned for the situation. 

I carry the dishes to the sink and set them inside, starting to clean them. Taking a break to grab a cup of coffee, I walk into the living room to ask if Blair wants one. Nobody in the gang drinks coffee, but I guess I can offer them chocolate milks. 

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