Chapter 25

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~ Chapter 25 ~

Blair's Point of View

"Jonathan Cade has been found not guilty by the means of self-defense and…Ponyboy Curtis is to be placed into the custody of his older brother, Darrel Curtis." 

I look at the boys on either side of me, grabbing their hands with a grin. I lean over to Johnny and wrap my arms around him, releasing his sweaty hand. I kiss his cheek and lean back into my seat, hugging Ponyboy as well. 

"I told you," I whisper. 

"Yeah yeah," he mumbles through a laugh. I chuckle and wait to be dismissed. When we are, we hope over the back wall and I wait for Pony, Soda, and Darry to finish their high before I grab Darry around the meck and pull him into me. 

"I told you they'd be okay," I whisper. "I told you, Dare." 

"I know," he whispers back, kissing the base of my neck. I get on my toes and hug him tighter. Darry lets me down with a quick kiss. I turn to Mickey and he winks at me, a smile on his own face as he claps his hands. I smile and shake my head. 

"I hate you," I mouth silently. 

"Love you too, " he mouths back. I roll my eyes and lean back on the wall. Johnny and Pony come over again and I hug them both, having to get on my toes to do it. I don't know how, but they suddenly seem taller since I met them. 

"Go, mother Blair," Mickey teases. 

"Shut up," I laugh, lowering down to be flat-footed again. "Come on, you guys wanna go get some dinner?" 

All of the guys nod, but I turn to Mickey, furrowing my eyebrows. 

"I oughta let y'all celebrate this one," he smirks, pulling his wallet out of his pocket. 


"Nah, man." Mickey tries to shove money into my hand. I shake my head and step back. "No, I'm buying, Blair. Come on, I ain't seen ya in a while." 

"Mickey, I said no," I insist.

Mickey holds the bills over my head and whistles, looking at Darry, and nodding towards his hand.

"You take it if she won't." 

I turn to Darry, "You'd better not." Darry looks at Mickey and raises his hands in the air next to his chest. 

"She's the boss," Darry smirks. 

"Ha," I smirk in Mickey's face. 

"Blair, I'll make it a hell of a lot worse if you don't," Mickey warns. "I'll send double to your house." 

"And I'll return it," I retort, raising my eyebrows. 

"He knows where we live?" Ponyboy asks, stepping towards me. 

"I know a lot of things," Mickey smirks. "Your friend here does too." He nods at me. I shake my head. 

"Well that's very comforting," Sodapop laughs. 

"Mickey's just talk," I say, looking him up and down. "Come on, let's get out of here." I head over to Mickey and side hug him quickly. 

Survive: A Darrel Curtis Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now