Chapter 4

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Jake yawned as he walked around the corner to his guitar class. He was tired because of all the late nights studying. He was trying to make his mom proud and also Puck, who he realized was not making his wife unhappy.

Something was going on but no one would tell him. He hated that. He was eighteen. No longer a child. He could handle whatever was going on.

What he couldn't handle was paying attention to where he was going apparently because he ran into a dirty blonde, trying to get through the door of the music hall.

"Ah!" She slammed into the wall behind her.

His eyes widened and he rushed to help her. "I am so sorry! Are you okay?!"

The girl shook.

"Miss? Are you okay? Do you need to see someone? Do they have nurses at college?"

She was startled into giggling.

He smiled. "Look at you. Pretty as a picture."

She made a sound as she blushed.

"What's your name?"

"I-I don't know."

"Did I give you a concussion or do you not trust me?"

"My uncle always said to not trust handsome strangers." She said very seriously.

But he only heard one thing. "You think I'm handsome?"

She was unprepared for that and blushed wildly.

He cupped her chin. "My name's Jake. Jake Puckerman. Now I'm not a stranger. Just handsome."

She gave a strange, embarrassed giggle. "My name is Sparrow."

"What's your last name? Or are you already planning on taking mine?"

Though incredibly pretty, Sparrow was unused to male attention. She was drowning in Jake's.

He saw he had her complete focus and offered her his number. "Call me tonight. I wanna be in your dreams."


It was October and Marcy was afraid they were going to ruin her second favorite month.

Laura promised things would go better this time. Marcy wasn't holding out much hope.

Christina Ford made a house-call to get to know her new patients. They met at the younger Chang home so Marcy would be able to kick them out whenever she wanted but really it was because she didn't want to travel with all of her children.

So they met up in the first living area. It was nice and soothing in there so Marcy hoped she'd keep her temper. They all had refreshments and Marcy saged the area.

Christina was a bit of a novice to saging but she felt if it helped,... "Now why are we here today?"

"I called you because I'm scared that my little sister is going to kill herself one of these days." Laura didn't mean to but burst into tears.

"And why do you feel that will happen?"

"She's tried in the past."

Christina took notes. "Which sister is this?"

Laura pointed her out. "Marcy."

Christina took stock of Marcy, who seemed out of it. "Hello, Marcy."

Marcy didn't want to talk. It had less to do with why they were there and more to do with her giant headache. "Hello."

"Ms., are you on anything I should know about?"


"That's not funny."

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