Chapter 41

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Kurt ignored his phone as he finished stitching Michelle's Halloween costume.

"Daddy?" Michelle patted his clear hand.

"Yes?" He took the needle from his mouth.

"Who is that?"

"Who is whom?"

She pointed to his vibrating phone as it slid across his desk.

"Oh. I don't know, sweetheart." He helped her out of her costume.

"Can I see?"

"Sure." He figured it was a bill collector or something.

She ran to his cell phone and swiped it on. "Hello? Daddy's phone."

Kurt grinned as he tried not to laugh aloud.

"Who are you?" She narrowed her blue eyes suspiciously.

Kurt tried harder not to crack up but his baby was hilarious. He turned his back on her to clean up.

"Okay." Michelle nodded resolutely before holding the phone out. "Daddy, it's somebody named Dave."

"Dave?" Did he even know anyone named Dave?

"He said his name is Dave Crawly."

Kurt dropped the broom in his hands, somehow knowing exactly who she was trying to say.


Marcy bobbed her head as she wrote a new song. It was flowing nicely but she hoped no one would think it was about Mal. She just felt inspiration to write a break up song.

Suddenly her cell rang so she shoved Seagrams off her lap and hurried to answer lest Tris awakened. "Hello?"

"Little Diva?" Kurt whispered back. "Are you okay? What's going on? Why are we whispering?"

"We're whispering so Tris don't wake up."

It was silent two seconds. "Okay. Can you leave him for a moment? I've got to tell you something big and you might awaken him."

For some strange reason, Marcy wanted to laugh. That was strange. Why did she feel like giggling? Hmm. "I'll go to the bathroom. I need to wash my hands anyway."

He blew out a breath. "Thanks, Little Diva."

She travelled to the women's bath and washed her hands quickly. "Okay. What's up? Why do I hear your hair turning grey?"

Kurt took a deep breath. "Do you remember Dave Karofsky?"


"He went to school with us. He was on the football team and was a bully."

"Yikes. Did he die or something?"

Kurt's blink could be heard down the line. "Little Diva?!"

"What?" She looked down at her chipping manicure.

"Little Diva, you can't say that."


He stammered for a while before spitting out, "That's rude."


"What if he was dead?"

"Then I'd be right."

He swallowed audibly. "No, he not dead."

"Then what's going on?"

"He was my bully."

That sounded really strange to Marcy. "What?"

"He bullied me."

Suddenly memories jogged. "That rokudena shi that ran you away from McKinley?!"

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