Oh no...

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3rd person POV

Muzan looked up at Yoriichi with wide and terrified eyes. His pupils dilated so much that Yoriichi could barely see them.

Blood dripped down Muzan's chin, thanks to the nice cut on his plump lips.

His body shook as Yoriichi pulls out his katana from the ground on the left of Muzan's head.

Muzan's eyes filled with tears, but he tried to hide it. He was terrified of Yoriichi.

His breath hiched as Yoriichi brought his katana up. He looked like he was about to slice Muzan's head off.

The terrified raven closed his eyes and waited for the cold blade to hit his kneck, but it never came. Instead he felt the pressure on his stomach disappear.

Muzan opened his eyes and looked at the now standing Yoriichi.

"Go before I change my mind" he said.

Muzan stumbled up and ran into the forest.

Yoriichi sighed and rubbed his temple.

"Good damn it" he mumbled.

For some reason he felt bad for the demon. He didn't know why. All he knows now is that he failed his mission. He made his way to the closest bar and ordered a few drinks.

Muzan somehow managed to walk into that same bar. He looked tired and still shaken up . He ordered a drink for himself and took a few sips.

Yoriichi watched with intoxicated eyes. He didn't notice but his legs made their way over to Muzan.

When Muzan noticed Yoriichi, his eyes widen showing an immense amount of fear. He began to shake a bit until he felt a soft pair of lips on his own.

At first Muzan had no clue what to think bit slowly melted into it wrapping his arms around Yoriichi's kneck to deepen the kiss.

Yoriichi's didn't know if it was the drinks he had ingested or secret feelings for the demon starts to show but he was enjoying it.

There were cheers for the two. Telling them to deepen the kiss further or just drunks yelling because they knew something might happen.

All Muzan knew was he was at a bar one moment and then the next morning woke up next to Yoriichi, with a sore throat, lower back, and butt.

He slowly got up letting out a soft whimper as his legs shook. He held onto the wall and got changed not without noticing the many dark marks and bites on his body. He blushed madly as he buttoned his shirt.

He look at the sleeping Yoriichi once more before quitely calling for his biwa demon, Nakime.

She opened a portal on softly landed him in his room. Where he just went back to sleep.

About a month later Muzan was in his bathroom pacing. He was worried, waiting for a test. His timer dinged and be looked at the test. The one word that could change his life for the better or worse.


He was pregnant. Tears fell down his face as he threw the test and trashed the bathroom. He slowly slipped down into the corner of the tub. He hid his face in his arms.

There was a knock on the door.

"Muzan-sama are you alright?" the voice of Kokushibu said.

Muzan didn't answer. The door slowly opened and the six eyed demon looked around the trashed bathroom then to his master who was crying.

He slowly closed the door and walked over to him.

"Muzan-sama?" he questioned.

Muzan looked up at him. Kokushibu was one of the closest demons to Muzan, so Muzan didn't care as much that he saw him likes this.

Muzan continues to sob. He could barley see the tears blocking his vision.

Damn these hormones  Muzan thought to himself still balling.

"Muzan-sama could you explain to me what happened?"

Muzan started to tell him what happened but thanks to the sobbing, Kokushibu only got a few things like, your brother, this is bad, I don't know how he will react, I'm scared.

Kokushibu didn't get it. So Muzan pointed to the test on the sink.

Kokushibu picked it up and all six eyes widen. He got it know. His brother had managed to get Muzan pregnant. He stood up and then sat right next to Muzan. Muzan turned and cried on his shoulder. Kokushibu wrapped a protective arm around him.

After a bit the crying calmed down. The two sat in silence until Muzan broke it.

"I'm gonna tell him. I don't care what he thinks about it, but I have to tell him" his voice cracked as he talked.

"I think that is what's best, and even if he won't help you, we all will." Kokushibu said.

"Thanks Kokushibu-san" Muzan said standing up and grabbing the test. He called for Nakime. He landed in front of Yoriichi's house in the woods surrounded by trees,he took a breath and knocked on the door.

Yoriichi answered his eyes widen at the sight of Muzan. Muzan threw the test at his chest then it landed on the floor.

He went on a rant. Yoriichi looked at him confused then looked down and picked up the test. Muzan kept ranting until three words were spoken form the man in front of him.

"You're with child?"

Two words ran laps in Muzan's head.

Oh no.....

Cliff hanger //slapped

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