Hello slayers

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Muzan sat on the front porch watching his kids. They played tag and did cartwheels in the front yard. He watched as Asra hung  laundry to dry.

He smiled when Jericho walked up to Asra and hugged his leg. The four year old was getting better at walking.

Muzan rubbed his empty stomach. He's never been this empty since he was with Yorichi. It felt weird. He signed.

Muzan stood up smelling something.

Damn demon slayers.

He sat back down again. He took a basket of dry laundry and started folding it. Sadly today Yorichii wasn't here with them to talk to them so Muzan will have to.

He continued folding the clothes hearing foot steps come closer. They soon stopped in front of him.

"Mama the demon slayers would like to talk to you" Nazir said.

Muzan walked over to the slayers.

"Thank Nazie" Muzan said petting his head "go on and play" he said getting up.

"Hello slayers what can I do for you?"

"We were just doing a check up on your family since to live on this mountain by yourself." one replied.

"Why thank you, but er are perfectly safe." Muzan said with a small smile.

"If you say so ma'am" the other slayer said.

"We will be going now" another replied.

The three slayers left.

Finally. Thru never stop checking on us.

Muzan sat back down of the porch and continued folding laundry until his husband came back home. They were going to have some fun later.



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