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"Come in" Yadira says opening the front door. Exhausted, the three boys walk in throwing themselves on the couches. "Taeil..." Doyoung whines. "What...?" He asks. "Who were you texting so much?" Kun asks. "No one" Taeil replies, lifting his head up slightly to look at the boy smirking at him. "Ew" he says, disgusted.

"I get that you brought friends over but are they about to die or something?" Xiaojun asks, watching the three boys that were behaving exactly like zombies would. "I made them run around and what not" Yadira replies, grabbing a few glasses and filling them up with water. "Why's that?" Her brother chuckles. "They all lost on purpose against me at the arcade" she replies, rolling her eyes at the boys. "Aw... They don't wanna see you cry" he says while squeezing her cheeks.

"Xiaojun I will kill you" she says, pushing his hands away and glaring at him. "WATER!!" Kun screams, making the girl sigh. "Wait gosh I'm coming" she replies walking into the living room with the tray. "Here" she says handing each of them a glass. "Could you like talk to them or you know watch a movie or something. I'll go buy some snacks 'cause you finished them all" she says pointing her finger at her brother.

"Can you go alone? It's getting late" Xiaojun says. "Yeah, I'll be back quick" Yadira replies, rushing up to her room and changing into more comfortable clothes before grabbing her phone and wallet and rushing back down. "I'm going" she says, closing the door and going to the closest store she could think of.

"Where are you going alone at this time?" Yadira stops walking, gulping and holding onto her phone tight. Turning around slowly to face the boy she sighs in relief. The leather jacket lying just on top of a black top that was paired with black jeans made him look rather cool. "J-just the store" she says and the boy nods. "I'll come with you" he says. "Yuta!! We're going"  Yadira and the boy turn around to face one of his friends, Taeyong. "I'll come later" Yuta replies from beside Yadira, earning a nod from his friend.

"Let's go" Yuta says, putting his hands inside his pockets. "It's fine actually. I can go on my own" she replies. "Just come" he says, walking ahead of the girl while she stood there shook. "Are you coming or what?" He asks. "I'm coming" she mumbles, running to walk beside the boy. "Why weren't you with your friends during the break today" Yadira asks, looking at Yuta. "No reason" he replies to which Yadira hums in reply.

"I'll stay here" Yuta says. "It's fine you can go Yuta" Yadira says making the boy shake his head in reply. Sighing she opens the door, going straight to the snacks aisle. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, Yuta pointlessly scrolls through his social media. Looking away from his phone for a moment, his eyes land on a older male seated on one of the chairs just outside the store. With a smirk painted on the man's face while he kept looking inside the store. Looking at the same direction the older male was looking at, Yuta's eyes land on Yadira.

Putting his phone back into his pocket Yuta walks into the store, going straight to the aisle Yadira was in. "Tie this around your waist" Yuta says, removing his jacket and holding it out. "Huh? Why?" She asks, hesitantly taking the jacket from his hand. With her eyes wandering behind Yuta, her expression changes from a Clueless one to a rather scared and nervous one.

"I shouldn't have worn shorts" she says under her breath while tying the jacket and making sure to cover her legs better. "You have all right to wear what you like, it's him who's being the problem here. I'll stay right behind you though don't worry" Yuta says. "Thank you so much" she replies earning a nod from the boy.

"Done?" Yuta asks. "Yep" Yadira replies. "I'll carry them" the boy says holding his hand out. Immediately pulling the bags behind her back she declines. "I can hold them. Let's go" she says. Holding onto her waist Yuta pulls Yadira closer to him, smirking at her before taking the bags away from her while she stood frozen. "Come" Yuta says, holding her hand and walking out the store.

"Thank you. Now give me that" Yadira says, trying to pull her bags away from Yuta. "Why? Is there something I shouldn't see" he asks, opening the bags and looking right inside them. "You eat alot for your size" he says. "My friends are at home it's for them" she says rolling her eyes playfully. "Also I can go from here. My house isn't that far" Yadira says trying to take the bags once again.

"I'll leave when I see you go into your house. You don't know who might be following behind you and what not. It's not safe, specially at this time" Yuta says making the girl sigh. "I can't always depend on someone. I can protect myself" Yadira argues. "I know you can. What if people gang up on you? Can you then?" He asks making Yadira look at him.

"Why are you helping me always. Didn't you hate me just a while back?" She asks. "Don't get me wrong I still find you annoying" he pauses to chuckle, seeing Yadira roll her eyes. "After what happened at the party I know you'll be terrified so don't think much about it, I'm helping you no matter what you say" He says leaving Yadira speechless.

"If you hadn't been there at the party, I would've been-" "I was there luckily so don't think of what would've happened" Yuta cuts her off. "Thank you. I don't know how to repay the favour but if there is any way I could, tell me alright?" She says, making eye contact with the boy for a second before breaking it. "Actually there is a way. But I'll ask for it when the time is right" Yuta replies, smiling lightly at the girl without realising. Nodding she smiles to herself.

"I would call you in but my friends would kill me" Yadira says, pointing at her front door. "That's alright. Here" Yuta replies, holding out the bag. "Thank you. Oh give me your hand a bit" Yadira says. "Do you want me to remove my hand and give it you ...?" Yuta jokes, making the girl glare at him. "Hold your hand out" she says, playfully hitting his arm.

"Here. I don't know what you like so I went with that" Yadira smiles brightly, placing a bar of chocolate and a little bottle of watermelon juice that she thought looked cute. "What's this for?" Yuta asks, looking at the juice and chocolate in his hands. "For helping me. Bye!!" Yadira says, waving at the boy before rushing inside the house without waiting for a reply.

"She's crazy" Yuta mumbles, smiling. "Or I am. Why am I smiling" he slaps his cheek lightly. Turning around Yuta walks away from Yadira's house, heading towards his own.

Thank you for reading!!!
I love y'all 💞

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