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Groaning in annoyance Yuta rubs his eyes, looking at Yadira's phone that kept ringing. "Is she deaf?" He mumbles, grabbing her phone and answering the call. "Hello?" He says sleepily. "Oh. Yuta?" Squinting his eyes lightly he looks at the caller ID. "Yeah?" He asks. "Is Yadira there?" Looking at Yadira he hums in response. "Wait" he says.

"Yadira... Wake up" he says, tapping the girl that only hugs him tighter in response. "Eunji's calling... Yadira" he says. "Hi Eunji" Yadira mumbles in her sleep. "You're supposed to talk to the phone idiot" he says, hearing the girl laugh from the other side of the phone.

"Yadira!!!" "What?!" She whines, sitting up straight and sleepily glaring at Yuta. "Here. Talk" he says, handing her the phone. "Why couldn't you just tell me" she mumbles, taking the phone and looking at the screen. "I will throw you off this cliff" he replies, making Yadira chuckle lightly.

"Hello?" She says, bringing the phone upto her ear. "What the hell were you doing with Yuta?" Eunji screams, making Yadira move the phone away from her ear. "We sent you both to hang out not this" she screams again. "We just fell asleep. Whats wrong with that?" Yadira says. "Oh... I thought-" "oh my god, you pervert. Are you crazy" Yadira whispers into the phone, cutting her off.

"Okay I'm sorry... Anyways I was at your place waiting to talk to you but you didn't come yet so I left. Check up on Taeil alright?" She says. "why? What's wrong with him?" She asks, rubbing her eyes. "We met his mom at the mall. He seemed fine but still just see to him please" Eunji says. "Oh my- yeah I'll see if he's fine" Yadira replies.

"Thank you so much!! Also go home quick, Taeil's making up excuses for why you're late" She adds making Yadira chuckle. "I'll go soon" she says. Bidding each other a goodbye she hangs up, looking straight at Yuta. "What?" She asks. "How could you have not heard your phone ringing" he says. "I'm sorry okay!!" She chuckles.

"Sure. Come, I'll drop you off at home" he says. "No you're probably tired too, I'll go from here" she says. Raising an eyebrow he looks at her. "Nevermind I'll just come" she replies. Nodding, Yuta walks ahead making Yadira run to catch upto him. "Wait for me" she says while Yuta holds in his laugh.

Arriving in front of Yadira's house, she smiles at the boy. "thank you for the ride" she says. "No problem" Yuta replies. "do you want to maybe come in?" She asks to which he shakes his head. "It's getting late now, maybe another time" he replies earning a nod from Yadira. "Bye then" she waves lightly at Yuta who smiles and waves back.

Opening the door slowly, Yadira peeps in to only see Taeil watching TV and smiling to himself in the living room. "I'm guessing your date went really well" she says, plopping herself down tiredly beside the boy. "It did" Taeil says, smiling wider. Yadira only chuckled, being nothing but grateful to Eunji for making him so happy.

"How was hanging out with Yuta?" He asks. "It was actually fun" Yadira replies. "Wait so you all knew?" She asks, looking at the boy that chuckled in response. "I think it was Taeyong, Hendery, Kun and Doyoung that planned it. Everyone else got to know after" he says, laughing at how Yadira's expression changed. "You all are so mean. But I mean it's okay, we had fun" Yadira replies.

"He didn't hurt you or anything right?" Taeil asks softly. "Nope. In fact I felt like he took really good care of me" she smiles. "Oh. that's good to hear" he replies, with Yadira nodding in reply. "Now tell me everything that happened today" she says, turning around on the couch to face Taeil. "Oh right. We met my mom" he says, chuckling as he was reminded of everything that happened earlier that day.

"There!" Eunji exclaims, pointing at a store. "Let's go" Taeil chuckles. "Taeil!?" The two stop walking to turn around, coming face to face with an older woman. Noticing the smile on Taeil's face drop, Eunji held onto the boys hand. "Has running away from your house made things better for you?" She laughs. "you kicked me out" Taeil scoffs.

"Is that the way you talk to your mother?!" She says with wide eyes. Closing his eyes shut, he lightly shakes, seeing her raise her hand. "If you've never cared about your own son, don't even think of touching him" Eunji says, raising her voice slightly as she held onto the other's hand.

Opening his eyes slightly, he  Lets out a breath he didn't  realize he's been holding in after seeing Eunji standing in front of him. "Don't waste his time if you have nothing useful to say please" she adds, pushing the older ones hand away. Glaring at her, Eunji holds onto Taeil's hand, dragging him away from his mother that only looked at the two in shock.

"Woah...that's so cool of her!!" Yadira exclaims. "Right!!" Taeil chuckles. "What happened after?" She asks. "She just asked if I were fine and then we went on with our day" he replies, making Yadira squeal. "Y'all are so cute. Oh my god!!" She squeals again.

"Yadira shut up!!" The two turn around to see Xiaojun standing by the stairs. "Why are you everywhere?" She glares at him. "It's you" he points at Yadira. "thats everywhere I am" he adds, pointing at himself afterwards making Yadira roll her eyes. "Anyways I'm going out, cover up for me one of you" he says. "MOM XIAOJUN'S GOI-" widening his eyes, he runs towards the girl, immediately covering her mouth with his hand.

"I will tell mom you were out with Yuta until now if you don't stay quiet" he says, making her freeze and quieten down. Turning around she glares at Taeil that shakes his head declining. "I didn't say a thing" he says. "How did you know?" She asks, turning back to look at her brother. "I saw him drop you off" Xiaojun laughs. "I'll cover up for you. Go have fun with whatever you're doing" she smiles. "Smart" he mumbles before grabbing his keys and leaving.

"Well now he knows" Yadira says with a sigh. "I doubt he'll tell anyone though" Taeil says. "I hope so" she replies. "Go sleep you look exhausted" Taeil chuckles. "Right, I am. I'm going then" she says sleepily waving at him. "Bye. Oh also we're going to Kun's and Doyoung's place after school on Monday" he says making her nod in reply as she lazily dragged herself up to her room.

Washing up, Yadira jumps onto the bed with a sigh. Grabbing her phone she looks through her contacts, stopping at the one she was looking for. 'should I?' she thinks to herself. "yeah..." She mumbles.


Did you get home safe?

Looking up at the ceiling she fiddles with her fingers while waiting for a reply. Turning around on the bed so she's laying on her stomach, she Taps on her phone mindlessly. The phone vibrates, showing that she received a message, making her lightly flinch. Seeing Yuta's name pop up on her notifications she smiles lightly.


Did you get home safe?

Yadira right?
And yeah I did

Yep, it's Yadira

Aren't you tired?
You slept whenever you could

You slept too alright!!
You're the one that's tired

I'm not though

I'm going to sleep
Also thanks again for today

Thank you too, again

Smiling to herself, she keeps her phone on the bedside table. Switching off the lights, she lets out a little yawn. Cuddling onto her pillow and closing her eyes, sleep slowly takes over her.

Thank you for reading!!!
I love you all❤️

THORNS AND ROSES || Nakamoto Yuta ffWhere stories live. Discover now