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"Hey Yadira!" the said girl turns around to face her bestfriend. "Hi Taeil" she greets him back. "Someone decided to come to school early  today" she says. Taeil scoffs "I'm always early" he says resting his arm over her shoulder. The two bestfriends continue to walk over to their class while talking about absolute rubbish.

Taeil's and Yadira's friendship is something almost everyone envied. They argued but overall were always caring and there for each other, not forgetting all the crazy things they did together. They were basically inseperable.

Not noticing the person watching over her, they took their seats next to each other in class. "You look like you didn't sleep well" Yadira says. "Yeah... My parents were fighting again and I was barely able to sleep" he sighs.

"Mom said that you can come over to my place when that happens right" she says feeling slightly bad that he has to go through all this.

"Yeah, I don't want to be a pain" he says and she hits his arm. "You're not being a pain dummy" she says making taeil chuckle. "But seriously mom and dad see you as their own son. So don't mind coming over whenever you want" she adds and he nods.

"I'll be right back" she says standing up. "Sure" Taeil replies and Yadira walks out of the classroom. "Hey Yadira" students greet her as she makes her way towards the washrooms. "Hi" she smiles and greets them back.

Yadira was the type of girl that everyone liked. She was beautiful, kind and always helped everyone. Not to forget how friendly she was with everyone as well.

Drying her hands she walks back out of the washrooms. And what caught her eyes was something she was always used to seeing. "Yuta Let go of him" she screams. No matter how much she would get hurt or bullied, she was one to always stand up for what is right.

Yuta, was one of 'the bad boys' in school. He was known for everything he did, yet there were many girls fangirling over him all beacause of his looks. It would be a lie to say Yadira wasn't disgusted by that. She didn't hate him instead she just didn't like him for what he did.

This was the first time she stepped in when he was beating someone up, the main reason being Taeil always being protective over her.

"Aren't you ashamed to continuously do this to people?" She asks taking small steps towards Yuta and his group of friends who were surrounding the almost unconscious boy.

Yuta chuckled in a low voice, sending shivers down her spine. But yet she stayed strong. "Who do you think you are to come in between my business" he says.

Ignoring him she walks up to the injured boy who was struggling to hold himself up. "I'll help you to the nurses office" she says helping him up, him barely being able to stand properly.

Yuta pulls onto her hand abruptly making her slightly stumble. "What is your problem?" She asks staring back at the boy who looks like he could kill her any moment.

"Stay out of my business" he says gritting his teeth. "Hey let go of her" they both turn towards the owner of the voice to see a furious Taeil.

Hey... Pls don't mind any mistakes.
And thanks for reading♥️

THORNS AND ROSES || Nakamoto Yuta ffWhere stories live. Discover now