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Opening her eyes, Yadira glances down at Yuta whose head was just below hers. Lightly nuzzling her chin into his soft hair, she slowly takes her hand back from around the boys waist before looking around the dark room. Running a hand through her hair, Yadira groans at the pounding feeling in her head.

"How much did I drink yesterday?" She mumbles, soft enough to not wake up the sleeping boy. Sighing, she grabs her phone from the table before looking at the time that showed 8 a.m. Hearing a knock on the door, Yadira carefully moves Yuta's hand away from her waist before standing up and brushing through her hair with her fingers.

Looking on both sides of the hallway, she knits her eyebrows together seeing no one there. "I'm too tired for pranks" she sighs, closing the door behind her. "Who was it?" Raising her head up, she looks at Yuta that sleepily rubbed his eyes, while sitting up on the bed. "There wasn't anyone. Did I wake you up?" She asks to which he shakes his head in response.

"Let's sleep again" Yuta says, patting the empty space next to him. Nodding Yadira walks upto her side of the bed, stopping when there was another knock on the door. Dragging herself towards the door, she swings it open to see no one once again. Groaning in annoyance, she rolls her eyes before walking back towards the bed.

"No one again?" Yuta chuckles to which Yadira nods in reply. "Sit here I'll go check" he says, standing up and walking towards the door. Hearing another knock, Yadira watches how the boy runs out of the room only to come in a few seconds later with Haechan that was struggling to get out of his grip.

"You didn't catch Chenle!!" Haechan whines. "He was there too?" Yuta asks, to which Haechen nods in reply. Watching Yuta go out of the room again, Haechan screams, making Yadira flinch. "What was that for?" She asks. "Stress" he replies, dramatically fanning himself.

"Okay I'm sorry" Chenle screams, being dragged into the room by Yuta. "Let him go you're suffocating him" Yadira chuckles, standing up to pull the younger boy away from Yuta. "You two disturbed our sleep" Yuta says, pointing at the two that were seated on the bed. "Let it be" Yadira slaps Yuta's shoulder.

"Isn't that Yuta's shirt you're wearing?" Chenle asks, making Yadira look down at her clothes. Widening her eyes, she glances at Yuta who plainly looks back at her. "Why am I wearing your clothes?" She mumbles. "I want to know that too" Yuta rolls his eyes. "I told you to change up and you just grabbed a shirt from my bag" Yuta replies. Gasping, she clutches onto the piece of material. "I'm so sorry" she says, pursing her lips together afterwards.

"It's alright" Yuta shrugs. "Are you two supposed to kiss now?" Haechan asks, making Yadira widen her eyes and look at the boy. "Are you insane?" She exclaims. Leaning against the table with his arms crossed in front of his chest, Yuta sighs while glancing at Yadira.

"Did I do anything stupid last night?" Yadira nibbles on her lower lip while looking at Yuta that came to stand beside her on the balcony while the two younger ones were busy watching TV. "You don't remember anything?" Yuta asks, to which she shakes her head, declining.

"You just called Ten a cute princess" Yuta says, chuckling as the girl slapped herself. "I am not drinking again" she mumbles. "Oh my god" running a hand through her hair, she sighs. "He's going to hate me"

"Do you actually not remember anything else?" He asks. "No... Did I do anything else?" Yadira asks, looking as Yuta's expression changed to a rather sad one. "What's wrong?" Holding onto his hand, she looks at him with worry. "Nothing, let's go" he replies.

"Aren't you both gonna go?" Yuta asks, throwing a pillow at Haechan that rolled his eyes at the boy. "Nope. We're coming with you both for breakfast" Chenle replies. "We're going out?" Yadira asks, to which the younger two nod in reply.

"Why is it that the two noisy ones are coming with us?" Yuta mumbles. "everyone in our group is noisy, including you both" Haechan points at the two older ones that followed behind him. Chuckling, Yadira glances at Yuta that shook his head at the two.

"Yuta you drive so slow" Chenle says. "You're trying to get us killed!" Yadira mouths, turning around in the passenger's seat to face the younger boy. Glancing at Chenle from the mirror, Yuta slowly applies pressure on the pedal, with the speed of the car increasing with each second.

"Yuta he was joking" Yadira squeals, gripping onto the rim of her shorts while screwing her eyes shut. "We're definitely dying today" Haechan mumbles, while the younger two squeezed each other in a hug.

"YUTA!!" Haechan and Chenle scream, looking straight at the truck that was heading their way. "Fuck!" Yuta says under his breath, hitting the breaks hard as he turned the steering wheel towards the left, making the car drive out of the road with a loud skid and towards the empty fields before it stopped.

"Oh my god " "What happened?" Stopping the car on the side of the road, Jaehyun runs towards the car that drove out of the road, with Hendery and Mark following behind him while the rest of the cars the guys were driving in, stopped behind Jaehyun's vehicle.

Breathing heavily, Yadira blankly stares at her hands that lightly shook. "We're alive!!" Chenle and Haechan scream, on the verge of tears. Slowly turning to her side, she looks at Yuta that sighed heavily while leaning against his seat.

"Are you alright?" She asks, almost in a whisper. "Yeah, did you get hurt?" He turns towards her, cupping her cheeks with his hands and looking at her with worry. "I didn't" she replies. "You both? Did any of you get hurt?" Yuta asks, with the two looking back at Chenle and Haechan who shook their heads.

Sighing, he grips onto his hair while closing his eyes shut. "Yuta it's-" "GUYS ARE YALL OKAY?" Cutting Yadira off, the boys pull the doors open, looking at the four with worry. Lightly pushing Jaehyun to a side, Yuta gets off the car before dashing the door, making the rest flinch.

"What happened?" Hendery asks, checking for any bruises on Yadira. "That truck" she mumbles in reply, not being able to process what had happened. "No why was Yuta speeding?" Jaehyun asks, making Yadira glance at the boy that walked further away from the car.

Looking back at Chenle who pursed his lips together out of nervousness, Yadira sighs. "I don't know" she replies. "He was in a bad mood since morning" she adds. "I'll go check on him" she says, going out of the car before waiting for a reply from the group.

"Yuta..." She says softly, holding onto the boys hand. Turning around, he glances at her before immediately looking away. "What's wrong?" Yadira asks, watching the boy grab onto his hair in frustration. "Yuta?" "I'm such an idiot" he says.

"Y'all could've gotten really badly injured" he says, raising his voice. "We're fine though Yuta" Yadira assures.  "It's not your fault anyways, it's that truck" she mumbles. "I was speeding, that's not my fault?" He asks, looking straight into her eyes.

"Nevermind, I'm not in the mood to argue" he sighs, walking closer to Yadira and resting his head on her shoulder. "I'm so sorry" he says, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I'll not let my feelings get to me" he mumbles, lightly tightening his grip around her waist.

"Yuta.." "let's go, I have alot of apologizing to do" he chuckles, cutting her off. Holding onto her hand, he walks back towards the rest, while Yadira looked at him in worry. 'something isn't right' she thinks to herself before shaking the thought away.

"I'm sorry" Yuta says while lightly squeezing onto Yadira's hand out of nervousness, making everyone go quiet and turn to look at the boy in surprise. "What?" He mumbles, scanning everyone's expression. "You apol-" "you all are fine so it's alright. But drive carefully" Taeyong says, earning a nod from Yuta.

"Do you both want to come with us?" Johnny asks, looking at Haechan and Chenle that shook their heads. "That was fun" Haechan says. "Yeah, we almost died but it felt like a whole action movie" Chenle squeals, making the rest look at the two weirdly.

I got my vaccine y'all and my head freaking hurts😭

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