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A normal day in UA. Class A, B, Pro heroes, and the other are enjoying normal activities. Suddenly, they got teleported in Theater room. They all got shocked and confused.

"What is going on?!" Sero asked. "Where are we!?" Kaminari asked panic. "Are we in danger?!" Mineta asked panic. "Guys! Calm down! This place is... It's look like we're in theater room." Yaoyorozu said. "But why are we here? Who teleport us?" Violet asked. "We're not sure about this." All Might said. "Let's calm down. Jojo, do you sense something?" Nezu asked. "I don't sense something bad happen... It's look like we're safe." Jakounang said. "I see..." Nezu said. "I don't think it only us in here." Ectoplasm said. "Huh? Why are we here?" David asked. "Dad! What is going on?" Melissa asked. "I don't know, sweetie... But there pro hero in here." David said. "David?! Is that you?" All Might asked. "Oh, hey All Might! Looks like we have met again!" David said. "That's right!" All Might said. ""Why are you here, Mt. Lady!?" Midnight asked angry. "Me?! I should be asking you!" Mt.lady said angry. "Even Pro Hero also here..." Midoriya said. "Shotooooo!!" Endeavour shouted. "Not again..." Todoroki said annoyed. "Hey, Kota! Where are you going?" Mandalay asked. Kota run and hugged Deku. "Deku! I missed you!" Kota said. "Oh! Hey Kota! It's been a while!" Midoriya said. "Mr. Deku!" Eri shouted while run and hug Deku. "Hey Eri!" Midoriya said. "Kota, Eri, and Big Three Hero also here!" Uraraka said. They all reunited and talked. "Sorry to bother your reunion." A figure said. They all battle position ready to fight. "Who are you?! Why do you teleport us? What do you want from us?!" Aizawa asked. "Chill! I am not villain! I brough you all in here to react some stuff." Figure said. He reveal himself. "Let me introduce myself. My name is JAK! I just want you all here to react. I don't mean any harm. I promise!" JAK said. "Guys! He's safe. I don't sense bad anything from him. I think he's telling truth." Jakounang said. "Ok! Everyone stand down!" Nezu said. "Thanks Jojo for believing me!  On your right, it is a kitchen room. You can take snack and drink if you want. And the left room is bathroom. Now you all may sit down." JAK said. They all sit down and take snack with drink along. "JAK, can I ask question?" Lida asked. "Sure!" JAK said. "What are we going to react?" Lida asked. "We're going to react a stuff like multiverse, videos, meme, ships, etc." JAK answered. "Multiverse?" Midoriya asked. "It's an Alternative Universe. It's basically there are another universe but it can be different. Like there is no quirk or no hero or no villains or else." JAK said. "I see..." Midoriya said. "Wait! That mean this is real!" Melissa said. "I knew there are another world!" David said. "Are you guys working on that?" All Might said. "Yes!" said David and Mellisa at same time. "All right! Let's start shall we?" JAK said. "YES!" All shouted.

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