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"That ship was interesting and unexpected but I like it!" Mina said.
"Of course, because you're shipper who loves tea or ship." Jiro rolled her eyes.
"So, JAK, what're we going to react next?" Sylvie asked.
"Hmm, we're going to some videos... or scenes." JAK said.
"All right, then! Let's see!" Buck said.
"Ok, this is the first scene from the future. Mugiwara crew, you guys will surprise what happened in the future or maybe, it could happen to your future." JAK said.
"OK, I kinda feel sus about that one but oh well," Nami said.
"Here is the video!" JAK snapped his finger.

"Come on, Luffy... Don't be like that." Nami said.
"Yeah, we're sorry." Usopp said.

Luffy is angry, folding his arms and looking away from Nami and Usopp.

"Ok, Luffy is mad at them... What did they do?" Tashigi asked curiously.
"I think we might find out if we watch." Genso said.
"I wonder what did we do..." Usopp wondered.
"Me too..." Nami said.

"Seriously, Luffy. We didn't mean to." Sanji lit up the cigaratte.

Zoro and Genso went in and confused.

"Um, what's going on?" Genso asked.
"Oh, they ate cake finished before me and Luffy get in to join them eat cake." Chopper explained.
"Seriously?" Genso blinked. Chopper nodded.
"Well, that's not good." Zoro said.
"Agreed and they didn't wait for us..." Genso said.
"Yeah..." Chopper sulked.

"You guys eat cake without us..." Chopper said with sad tone.
"Sorry about that..." Nami said.
"Fufufu, but I wonder what happened next with sencho Luffy being angry." Robin interested.

"Don't be angry, Luffy. Here, this is special sandwich. You can eat this." Sanji served sandwich in front of Luffy.

However, Luffy looked away and mad. Everyone shocked that Luffy still mad and didn't want to eat.

"HOLD UP! WHAT?!" Some of One Piece characters shout in shocked.
"Is that really surprising?" Paul Strickland asked.
"YES!" Mugiwara shouted.
"Luffy love eat food. He never denied to eat food at all." Sanji said.
"He's right!" Sabo and Ace in unison said.
"That is not Luffy I used to know!" Shanks shouted.
"Agreed!" Sabo and Ace shouted.
"Calm down, guys. I'm sure we can calm him down in the future, right?" Tashigi asked.
"I suppose you're right... I'm sure we will figure out." Usopp said.
"Actually, no... No luck for you guys, sorry I kinda have sense for that... and I think you need look at the screen now." Jakounang said.

"Luffy, this is special sandwich that you ever feel tasty forever." Nami said.
"Yeah, Luffy! This has special meat in the sandwich." Sanji said.

Luffy looked away and went out from the kitchen. Then, he slams the door shut which caused surprised everyone.

"Or maybe not..." Genso said.
"You guys deserved that! Except Zoro, Genso, and Chopper." Luffy pouted.
"Hey! Why?!" Nami and Usopp asked.
"Because they didn't eat cake with you guys. All of you eat that cake without us!" Luffy said.
"Ok, since when you got little smart?" Portgas D. Ace asked.
"That's kinda surprising for that..." Sabo said.
"Oh! Genso taught me! Shishishi." Luffy said.
"Wait, really?!" Shanks asked.
"Yeah, I thought it would be good idea to teach him about battle strategy and ability. He also needs to learn understand the situation and other things." Genso said.
"He's not sleeping?!" Portgas D. Ace asked.
"Yep! He's kinda interesting with my explanation to him." Genso said.
"Shishishi! That's true, it was really awesome to try it!" Luffy said.
"I'm really surprised that you learn about that. I thought you will fall asleep when Genso explained to you." Nami said.
"Same!" Usopp said.
"Hey!" Luffy protested.
"All right, but how are we calm him down?" Tashigi asked.
"That's SUPERRRR good question." Franky said.
"Maybe give him all the meat?" Chopper tilted his head.
"That would be 50/50 chance for us." Robin said.
"She's right. Remember Sanji served Luffy special sandwich with special meat but he denied it." Genso said.
"Then, how?!" Usopp asked.
"We don't want Luffy mad at us all day." Nami sulked along with Usopp.
"Maybe there is one who can calm him down." Genso looked at Zoro.

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