Mutant Squad: Among us 1

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"Alright! Today we're going to react a mutant squad play among us!" JAK said.

"Wait... A mutant squad?" Midoriya asked.

"In another Au, there are a few people from class A to be a youtuber... And you will find out!" JAK said.

"A YOUTUBER?!" All shouted shocked.

"Yes!" JAK said.

"I wonder who are they...?" Midoriya asked.

"Wait! JAK said that we're going to react a mutant squad!" Uraraka said.

"A mutant squad?" Mina asked.

"We will find out if we watching right now..." Cementoss said.

"Agreed." Grant Torino said.

"All right! Let's start then!" JAK said while snapped his finger.

The screen show among us and mutant squad.

"Hi, guys! Welcome back to Mutant Squad!" Jakounang said.

"Today, we're going to play among us!" Ojiro said.

"Wait... Is that me and Ojiro?" Jakounang asked.

"This is gonna be fun..." Sato said.

"Y-yes!" Koda said.

"Sato and Koda also in mutant squad..." Shoji said.

"This is gonna be chaos..." Tokoyami said.

"I amn't sure about that, Tokoyami." Shoji said.

"Even Tokoyami and Shoji also in there. Kero!" Tsuyu said.

"Yeah! It's really fun..." Jakounang said.

"Yeah... But I feel like Jojo is gonna win again! He's very sneaky!" Shoji said.

"Yeah! Like how! If you win again with your sneaky! I'm out!" Sato said.

"Come one, guys! Don't be like that!" Jakounang said.

"Really guys...? You guys are gonna leave just because I win with my sneaky?!" Jakounang asked.

"Wait! That is not us!" Sato said defended himself.

"Remember this is another universe... So, it's not happening in your world." JAK said.

"Right..." Jakounang said.

"All right! Let's start then!" Tokoyami said.

"Wait! Before we start..." Jakounang said.

"M-make sure you press subscribe!" Koda said.

The screen show intro mutant squad.

"Oh, nice intro!" Kirishima said.

"Yeah... especially the song is really good." Jiro said.

"Yeah... I wonder what they mean I always win by sneaky?" Jakounang wondered himself.

"I mean you're literally sneaky like assassins in real life..." Kaminari said.

"An Assassins?!" Pro hero and class B shouted (-Aizawa, All Might, Snipe, Nezu, Vlad king, Ectoplasm, Recovery girl, Midnight, and Present Mic.)

"Great... another my secret got spoiled..." Jakounang thought.

"You idiot! You just revealed his secret!" Jiro said while stab Kaminari with her ear jack.

"Ouch! I'm sorry!" Kaminari said.

"Is this for real?! Wait! Why our teachers didn't shocked about this?!" Setsuna asked.

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