Trailer + New Guests

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"Hey, guys! So, today, we're going to have new guests again." JAK informed.
"Again? Who is it this time?" Iruka asked.
"Oh, it's from another world where the only animal exists." JAK said.
"Animals? Hmm, I guess we can try to meet them but I'm worried about how they react to us like this." Midoriya sweat drop.
"Oh, come on, Deku! Maybe that animal could be cute!" Uraraka said. Koda nodded because he like animals.
"OK, I'm gonna teleport them here!" JAK snapped his finger.

Some of the animals were teleported and they shocked.

"What the?!" Koala confused.
"Um, where am I?! Where is Lance go?!" A female porcupine asked.
"Who the heck are you?!" A female lynx asked.
"Um, guys... I think we might need to look behind us..." Johnny said.

As soon they turned back and saw many people. They shrieked, shout, and scream😅.

"What are you?!"
"Are you seriously animal?!"
"Did you guys kidnapped us?!"

"Calm down, guys... I'm the one who teleported you here. There's a reason why I teleport you guys. Before, we're going to react the trailer movie, let's introduce yourselves." JAK said.
"Um, ok! My name is Buster Moon!" Buster said.
"I'm Rositta! This is my husband, Norman and they're my children!" Rosita introduce herself, her husband, and her kids.

All audience jaw dropped.

"How many are there kids?!" Jo Wilson asked.
"25 kids!" Rosita answered.
"25 kids?! How is that normal for you?!" April Kepner asked.
"Maybe it has to do something with animal pregnancy... I mean animal and humans are difference." Midoriya said.
"I think you might be right." April Kepner said.

"Hi, I'm Ash!" Ash said.
"I'm Gunter!" Gunter dancing.
"I'm Johnny and this is my dad..." Johnny said. His dad just furrowed his eyebrows.
"I-I'm Meena." Meena said shyly.
"Sup! I'm Porsha Crytsal! I never seen you guys like this!" Porsha said cheerfully.
"My name is Nooshy!" Nooshy said.
"Ryan" Ryan simply answered.
"I'm... Clay Calloway." Clay said.
"Clay Calloway?!" The animals called shocked.
"Yeah, just moving on." Clay Calloway said.
"My name is Eddie Noodleman." Eddie said.
"And I'm ms. Crawly." Crawly said.

MHA, One piece, Shinobi Ninja, and The Chicaronstar Foundation 19 also introduced themselves. Soon, they talked each other, and the sing character feels comfortable and sits down to react to something.

"This is great for you guys to feel comfortable around us! Today, we're going to react to the trailer!" JAK said.
"Trailer? You mean like a movie trailer?" Stella Kidd asked.
"Yes! I can show you the trailer from all of you. This could happen in the past or future! Now, I'm going to share the trailer from the world 'Sing'!" JAK said.
"Wait! They can sing?!" Kyoka Jiro asked.
"Yes! Some of them have sung and are talented for performance!" JAK said.
"Oh! I can't wait to see their world!" Sylvie Brett said.
"Me too! I wanna hear the music!" Kyoka Jiro said.

"You ready, big guy?" Rosita asked while she's adjusting her microphone.
"Ya!" Gunter popped out of nowhere.
"I'm like totally ready." Gunter said.

"That's me! With Gunter? Are we gonna met in the future and I wonder what're we doing there..." Rosita wondered.
"Maybe something that you wanted to do, right?" Norman asked.
"I don't know honey. Also, I still have to take care of kids and you." Rosita said.
"Hmm, maybe something else that you wanted to do like important, maybe." Norman said.
"But honey!" Rosita protested.
"Come on, Rosita. You already take care for us enough. Maybe it could be good time for you to take a break. Hopefully, I'll have another break from work." Norman said.
"Alright, if you say so..." Rosita sighed.

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