Christmast Special

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"Now, I'm going to show a special day!" JAK said.

"What kind of special day?" Yaoyorozu ask.

"You will find out!" JAK said while snapping his finger.

"It's going to be interesting," Nezu said while enjoying his tea.

"Alright! Everyone! Today is the special day for Christmas! We have one of the classes that are going to give you a big surprise for celebrating this Christmas! ARE YOU READY?" Mic asks shout.

All participants shout "Yes"

"Oh yeah! I forgot today is Christmas day!" Awase said.

"You're right... We forgot about that because we were kinda busy and focused to watch our multiverse or another AU." Kendo said.

"That's right! But I wonder which class is going to perform?" Pony ask.

"Did you have to ask that? Of course, it is our class! Class A is a loser!" Monoma said.

"Guys, wanna bet?" Kaminari ask.

"100 dollars for Class A," Class A said.

"These kids..." Aizawa already tired.

"Nah! 100 dollars for Class B!" Monoma shout but the other class B didn't bet for their class.

"We bet 100 dollars for Class A," Class B said without Monoma.

"ARE YOU GUYS KIDDING ME?! WHY YOU GUYS HELP CLASS A?!" Monoma shout frustration.

"Shut up, Monoma... Obviously, it's Class A is going to perform the Christmas day. They're popular!" Kendo said.

"Damn it! I really hate to say this... But I agreed with Kendo." Vlad king said.

"Hahaha! This is going to be interesting!" Mirio said.

"I wanna see Class A again! The last festival was awesome! I wanna hear and see them perform again!" Eri said.

"Looks like the other want to see our class perform..." Jesse said.

"That's right... Looks like we have to watch again." Todoroki said.

"Right! Let's watch!" JAK said.

The curtain opened and show Class A. Some of them have music, some of them are going to dance, and the others are going to be stage effects.

"Hello, everyone! Today we're going to perform for Christmas day! Are you guys ready?" Jiro ask.

"YES!" Audience shout.

"It's us! We're going to perform!" Uraraka said.

"Damn it! Why them?" Monoma ask.

"Shut up, extra!" Bakugo shout.

"Ne--" Monoma said before Jakounang interrupt him.

"Do you wanna die?" Jakounang ask with dark aura.

Monoma silent.

"Good. We should continue." Jakounang said.

"Right..."JAK said with scared because of his aura.

Jiro, Violet, and George will be the singer. Jakounang and Yaoyorozu play the keyboard and piano. Kaminari and Tokoyami play the guitars. Jiro plays the bass. Bakugo plays the drum. The other is dancers and gives the stage effect.

Jiro started to play her bass. Then Jakounang and Yaoyorozu started to play their instrument. The other started playing their instrument as well. The dancer starts doing their dance as well.

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