Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Remastered

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"Ok, guys! Today we're going to something battle war but there are no quirk or heroes or villains like that." JAK said.
"Battle war without quirk or hero or villains?" Kaminari asked in confusion.
"You mean soldier." Mukuro Ikusaba said.
"That's correct! Oh, I'm going to add someone who has experience as a soldier from The Chicaronstar Foundation 19." JAK said.
"Wait, you mean like!" Yoshi realized.

JAK nodded and teleported Rachel King, Salim Othman, Jason Kolchek, Nicolas Kay, George O'Malley, and Eric Edmund King. (George O'Malley is alive in this AU from Grey's Anatomy and the other from The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes)

"Hey, guys!" Mukuro Ikusaba said.
"Mukuro!" Rachel King hugged her and she hugged back.
"Hey, George!" Meredith Grey said.
"Hey, man!" Alex Karev said.
"Hey, guys!" George O'Malley hugged them.
"Jason, Salim! It's been a long time!" Yoshi hugged them.
"Yeah, I mean our mission is really hard but we manage it." Jason Kolchek said.
"Yeah, we managed it together." Salim said.
"Nice!" Yoshi nodded.
"Um... Why are there so many... people and weird creatures...?" Eric Edmund asked.
"Oh, they come from another universe! Let us explain!" Mukuro Ikusaba said.

They explained about other universes and introduced themselves and explain what're they doing here. They understand and sit down to watch.

"So, you guys know each other, huh?" Death Arms asked.
"Yes, Mukuro is an ultimate soldier! That's how she met us and she introduce us to them." Nicolas Kay said.
"Nice!" Hawks said.
"Ok, so JAK, you said that we'll react to battle war?" All Might asked.
"That's correct! But this is another universe in version MHA which means it could be you guys in another universe." JAK reminded.
"Ok, let's see who is coming for battle war." Ace Rosy said.

The screen started zooming in, on the building in Moscow, Russia.

Endeavor: The more things change, the more they stay the same. 

"Wait, that voice!" Kaminari recognized that voice.
"That's my voice!" Endeavor said.
"Why that old man..." Todoroki muttered.
"That's correct but you guys won't see him battling others. Don't worry you will find out." JAK said.

Endeavor: Boundaries shift, new players step in, but power always finds a place to rest its head. We fought and bled alongside the Russians. We shoulda known they'd hate us for it. History is written by the victor. And here I am, thinking we'd won. But you bring down one enemy and they find someone even worse to replace him. Locations change, the rationale, the objective. Yesterday's enemies are today's recruits. Train them to fight alongside you, and pray they don't eventually decide to hate you for it too.

The screen changes and shows the badge looks like a star with 2 guns in the Northeast and Northwest. In the middle, there is the text 'Ranger'. Under the badge, there is a written.
PFC. Kurogiri

"Kurogiri?! Why're we reacting to villain?!" Endeavor asked angrily.
"There is reason. Don't worry! You guys will react to future again and you guys will know why." JAK said.
"Future again! I can't wait to see again but a reason for Kurogiri? I amn't sure what he mean by that." Kirishima tilted his head.
"Same bro!" Sero said.

However, Jakounang got sense again and Tokoyami noticed.

"Did you get sense?" Tokoyami asked in telepathy.
"Yeah, but for some reason, I sense that Kurogiri in the future is not villain anymore..." Jakounang said.
"Really?! That's strange..." Tokoyami said.
"But isn't that good thing?" Dark Shadow asked.
"What do you mean, Dark Shadow?" Tokoyami asked.
"Wait, he's right! If he isn't villain anymore which he could be our side to fight villains." Jakounang said.
"Alright then... Looks like we have to wait to reacting to future again." Tokoyami said.

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