Meet the other Universe

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This might be a spoiler for my book. Because I have the plan to make another book. I thought it could be a spoiler character for another book! Enjoy!

"Alright, I want you guys to meet another guest! But this time we have 2 different universes." JAK said.
"Oh! I can't wait to meet them again!" Mina shrieked.
"Alright, meet the first universe! The Chicaronstar Foundation 19! (Danganronpa Thh, 2, v3, dra, sdra2/Chicago Fire, Med, PD/9-1-1/9-1-1: lone star/Station 19 and Grey's Anatomy along with another oc and his sister.)." JAK snapped his finger.

The Chicaronstar Foundation 19 appeared and they look confused.

"What the hell?!" Buck asked.
"Where are we? How did we get here?!" Aoi Asahina asked.
"Yoshi?!" Luciel asked.
"Ah! Luciel! What are you doing here?" Yoshi Kage asked.
"I have no idea... Somehow I got teleport in here." Luciel confused

They noticed many people or weird creatures in front of them. Some of them aim gun at them, some of them shouted or shrieked, some of them ready to fight, and some of them just normal.

"Who the heck are you?!" Rei asked narrowed her eyes.
"Calm down! We aren't going to harm you." Jakounang said.
"Wait a minute... Yoshi?! What are you doing here with the other?" Sylvie pointed at Jakounang

MHA and Naruto character look confused and stared at her.

"I'm sorry. I amn't Yoshi... I'm Jakounang Kho." Jakounang introduced.
"Sylvie, I'm literally right here." Yoshi said.
"Is it just me or these two faces look same?" Sylvie asked.
"Now that you mention... Are you two relative like twin or something like that?" Buck pointed at Jakounang and Yoshi.
"No! We're not!" Jakounang and Yoshi unison.

JAK fake coughed to take everyone attention.

"I will explain what happened and what are you guys doing here! But I need all of you sit down first before I teleport another universe in here. Oh! Don't introduce yourself yet. Because you guys will react to them along with introduction." JAK explained.

Everyone nodded and they all sit down. Then, JAK snapped his finger. One Piece character appeared with another oc again. There are straw hat/mugiwara crew (Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, and another OC name Toshiro Genso), red pirates (Shanks, Yasopp, Benn, and Lucky roux), whitebeard's pirates (Captain Edward Newgate, Ace, Marco, Thatch, Jozu, Vista, etc), heart pirates (Law, Bepo, Penguin, etc), warlords of the sea (Jinbe, Boa Hancock, Mihawk, Kuma, etc), Crocodile, Doflamingo, Marines (Garp, Sengoku, Sakazuki (Akainu), Kizaru, Fujitora, Kuzan (Aokiji), Smoker, Tashigi, Koby, Hina, Helmeppo, etc), Revolutionary Army (Sabo, Dragon, Koala, Ivankov, etc), Captain Kidd, Killer, Rayleigh, and many character.

(This takes 2 years later before mugiwara reunion. This AU also have another OC and Tashigi will join the crew. Don't worry I will make book that will explain why Tashigi join Mugiwara crew. Also, this AU Ace is alive. It will explain in the book also 😃.)

"Huh? What the hell?" Zoro asked.
"Zoro?!" Genso wide eyes.
"Oh, Genso! Long time no see!" Zoro waved.
"Genso!" Chopper ran to Genso and jumped.
"Chopper! It's been so long!" Genso catched him and put him on his back head.
"Robin! Chopper! Genso! Guys!" Nami smiled.
"Oi! It's so good to see you guys again!" Usopp waved his hand.
"Hehe! That's right." Robin chuckled.
"SUPERRRRR! Nice to see you guys again!" Franky doing his pose usual.
"I'm glad to see you guys again. Even though I don't eyes. YOHOHOHO!" Brook laughed.
"You still have that joke, huh?" Tashigi sweatdrop.
"NAMI~SWAN! ROBIN~CHWAN! TASHIGI~CHWAN! You three are look beautiful!" Sanji simped with his eyes look like heart.
"Minna! It's been 2 years!" Luffy said.
"LUFFY!" Mugiwara shouted and hugged him.
"Oh, look! It's Straw hat Pirates!" Penguin said.
"Yeah, I can see that." Law said.
"Oh, Anchor! How have you been?" Shanks asked.
"Ah, Shanks! It's great!" Luffy said.
"Pops? Thatch?!" Whitebeard pirates.
"Hey, guys!" Thatch waved his hand.
"Hahaha! How're you guys?" Whitebeard/Captain Edward laughed.

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