Incident Provisional License Test

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"Now, I'm going to add someone again." JAK said.
"Really?! Who?" Nejire ask.
"You will see." JAK said.

JAK added Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, Iruka, Tsunade, Sai, Yamato, Hinata, Kiba, Akamaru, Shino, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, Lee, Nejire, Tenten, Guy, and Shizune.

"Huh?! Where are we?!" Sakura asked.
"And who are they?!" Naruto asked.
"Hey, guys!" Jakounang said.
"Jojo?! Wait... the others are also here?!" Naruto ask shocked.
"Yep! You guys are here to react multiverse." Jesse said.
"Multiverse... I feel we have been to the multiverse, right, Naruto?" Sakura ask.
"Yeah..." Naruto said.
"WAIT! You two have to go to another multiverse?!" Mina ask shocked.
"Oh yeah! I have heard that one before..." Sapphire said.
"Alright enough chit chat! Who don't you guys introduce yourself? So, everyone can know all your name." JAK said.

After they introduce themself, they find a seat and sit down.

"So, today we're going to react the incident provisional license test," JAK said.
"Incident?" Midnight asked.
"On provisional license test? Isn't that place where students will do their test to pass and get the hero license?" Kamui woods asked.
"That's right! It is about the incident from Class A!" JAK said.
"Huh? I don't think we have the incident on provisional license test..." Yaoyorozu said.
"Don't forget about another AU! I think another AU about we have incident provisional license test." Iida said.
"Actually... this is from your real world, not from another AU." JAK said.
"WAIT WHAT?!" Everyone shocked.
"How?! We never had an incident before!" Kirishima said.
"Remember Hidan and Zetsu...?" JAK asked.

Class A and Kakashi got realized what JAK means by that.

"I see... You want to show the incident of Class A fight Hidan, Tobi, and Zetsu, right?" Kakashi asked.
"I forgot about that..." Kaminari said.
"Me too!" Sero said.
"Isn't their guy who tried to capture Jojo and kill the class A?" Aizawa asked.
"Yeah... that one..." Midoriya said.
"HANG ON SECOND! What do you mean by that?!" Vlad king asked.
"There was an incident on the provisional license test?! Why we didn't get informed about this?!" Cementoss said.
"Because my class keeps their secret..." Aizawa said and then sighed.
"YOU GUYS WHAT?!" All Might ask shocked.
"Sorry about that All Might..." Midoriya said.
"Class A fighting another villain on the provisional license test?! That is really insane!" Kendo said.
"Looks like they want to have our attention and show off to fight villain! That class is cursed!" Monoma shout.

Kendo chopped his neck and make Monoma unconscious.

Shinobi Ninja got silent.

"Is this normal like that?" Iruka ask.
"Yes... Sometimes we have chaotic on my class." Aizawa said.
"Alright! Enough chit-chat! Let watch the incident!" JAK said.

Class A change into their hero costumes, they went to orientation to hear the rules. "There are so many..." Midoriya said. "This is really too much students!" Uraraka said. "I know..." Kirishima said. 

"Woah! So many..." Kiba said.
"Yeah! There are so many people than our Chunin exam." Sakura said.
"I'm really interested with this right now." Tsunade said.

"Well then, let's do that provisional license thing... I'm Mera from the Heroes Public Safety Commision. The kind of sleep I like is non-REM sleep... Nice to meet you... I've been busy that I haven't gotten much sleep... We're too short-staffed! I'm so sleepy! With that conviction, I will give you the orientation." Mera said. "He's not hiding his exhaustion at all. Is he okay?" Class A thought.

"Damn! We got though exactly same!" Sapphire said.
"Yeah... No doubt." Violet agreed.
"He really need to sleep... This isn't healthy for him to lack of his sleep..." Shizune said.
"We know but he didn't care about it..." All Might said.

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