★Can't wait for field trip!...right?☆

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While watching the match, you couldn't get a good view. That's why when a yellow haired boy noticed, he carried you up on his back, enabling you to see better now.

"Better? I thought you had a hard time seeing so that's why I decided to carry you!" The boy said.

"Thank you Mr.! What's your name!?" You excitedly asked, thankful for the help.

"Oh I'm Denki Kaminari! What's yours?" The boy named Denki asked.

"I'm (Y/N)! Good to meet you Mr. Kaminari!" You said giggling, as he chuckled too.

Soon the buzzer indicating that the match had begun, rang. As Todoroki and Shoji entered the building, Todoroki stopped Shoji. You were confused as to why he stopped him. But not long though as Todoroki's ice began freezing the whole building, freezing the villians in the process.

"Woah... That was so cool! He did it so quickly!" You exclaimed in happiness.

"Ya I know right! That guy sure is powerful!" Denki answered you back.

"The hero team wins!" Said all might as the buzzer ran, signalling the end of the match.

Todoroki cane out of the building with the rest of the guys. You then asked Denki to put you down so you could congratulate him. And so, Denki helped you to the ground. Soon you were running towards todoroki with really happy and flappy wings.

"Mr Todoroki! That was amazing! It was so quick and I really really liked it!" You said flapping up and down like an excites little bird in front of the boy.

The boy looked down to you and gave you a little smile.

"Oh thank you, I appreciate that." He answered in his monotonous voice. You then went back to All might, smiling widely like the little kid you are.

"Ah Young (Y/N)! I've been wondering what you have been up to! What would you like?" All might asked as he looked down at you small body that held his arms.

"I wanna go back to papa! Where is he?" You asked searching for the tired black headed male.

All might then told you that he was back at the main building of the school with the other teachers. He then asked one of the students to accompany you back to the teachers' room. Since only a few of the class had gotten their turns, his options were limited, so he had picked Bakugo to walk you back. Which technically confused the class as to why him but oh well.

"Young bakugo, could you please walk her back to the teachers' room if you please?" All might asked. Bakugo then looked at you and then back to all might, and then back at you.

You looked at him with hopeful and puppy filled eyes, how could he refuse such cuteness, and if we were speaking truthfully, if he didn't he would have probably made you cry, making the whole class murder him where he stood if he saddened you.

"Tch, Whatever, it's not like I wanted to watch these extras fight anyway.. Tch. Oi! You coming or not?!" He asked as he was already on his way out and leaving. You let go of All might and waved the whole class goodbye and started running, more accurately flying, after the blonde. Nearly tripping and falling every one in a while.

But sadly, your wings got out of control and you were falling, but before you nearly hit the ground, strong arms had caught you and lifted you upwards.

"Watch it! You nearly fell and if you got hurt I would've got scolded! Tch. If you can't control them don't use them!" Bakugo said as he lifted you up and adjusted you to look at him as you stood on the ground.

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