✥Free Fall is Not The Best Option.❖

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You screamed as your little body was being thrown. The air swooshed past your face as the ground got closer and closer.

Hawks had told you that this was how he learned to fly. But, this was brutal.

In a last attempt to fly, your flapped your wings as hard as you could, it was the first time you ever flew at these high ranges and fear and terror were soon taking over you.

Your hard work in flapping your wings proved futile as your falling body wasn't slowing down. Tears began to brim your eyes as the ground infront of you was in full view. Just as you awaited the harsh impact to the ground that would likely kill you, you felt a strong force holding you up. Your face barely inches from the ground but not touched as a pair of strong arms held you.

"That wasn't bad for the first try! Why don't we go again and try one more time- kid?"

He felt your body in his arms tremble as he held you back up again. He eyed your teary and red face as you began to cry. People all around him on the street gave Hawks a stink eye as he tried to calm you down.

"H-hey, its okay now, see!"

In last attempt of doing so, he flew with you upwards into the sky. Whilst doing so, your crying stopped as you viewed the sight around you. As if you were dazed, you intently watched the clouds infront of you go by. The flapping of Hawks's wings distancing the white fluffs of rain further away from the two of you.

Hawks sighed in relief and looked down back at you with guilt all over his face, but that guilt was soon removed once he saw a bright smile replace your frown and you tried to catch the clouds with your outstretched palms.

A sudden force from your wings hit him in his stomach as he abruptly let go of you. Before his panick could settle in, he watched you flap your wings by yourself closer and closer to the clouds to reach them.

You were flying.

Hawks looked at you with pure shock as you finally reached the cloud. But once you tried to catch it, it dissipated in your hold. You had your mouth wide open in awe as your giggled. Doing more and more attempts to catch the surrounding white fluffs.

"Mr. Hawks, look! The clouds dissappear when you touch them!"

The man in question returned his attention to you with a wide smile, he nodded and floted right next to you. Trying his best to lower the force of his wings so the clouds wouldn't continue to be pushed away.

"You're also flying kid..."

"Huh, I am?..."

It took you a moment to realise what you were doing. But once you did, all kinds of happy took over you.

"I'm flying! Look Mr. Hawks, I'm flying!"

You flapped your wings in all sorts of ways as you giggled and laughed. Hawks also chuckled with you as he viewed the mini party you were having in the air.

"I see you, I see you- Woah! Careful there kid, haha, nearly lost control over there."

Your wings went disorderly but Hawks had caught you before you fell. He let go of you again so you could continue flying.

The day went on great as Hawks helped you learn how to fly, took you to KFC to eat for lunch, took you on speed rides on his back in the air, brought you to the mall and bought you some toys and new clothing, and by the end of the day that you two were exhausted, he bought the both of you some ice cream as you two awaited Midnight to come and get you in the headquarters.

"So, did you have fun today?"

Hawks asked you curiously, he also laughed when you turned to him with a face smushed with ice cream all around.

"I had so much fun! Thank you, Mr. Hawks!"

"Heh, you're welcome, kid. Why don't you try and come here often. I'm always around. Let's do this again sometime, okay?"


In truth, the short while you had spent with Hawks got him attached to you. You were the sweetest thing he had ever laid his eyes on and he always felt the strong urge to protect you. He made sure everything that happened had made you happy and absolutely dispised whatever bothered you.

Soon enough, Midnight came back with Best Jeanist tagging along to come and pick you up.

"(Y/N)-chan! We're back!"


You ran all the way to the woman and gave her a huge hug. She carried you up in her arms and twirled you around with a smile before returning to give you a bone crushing hug. Both Jeanist and Hawks giving a heartfelt laugh at your squeezed expression.

"Thank you for taking care of her today, Hawks. I'm sorry if it was trouble."

"Oh, no trouble at all! I really had fun today with this little one. You should bring her here more often. I'd like to have fun with her again sometime."

Midnight chuckled and gave a polite nod to him. She waved goodbye to Best Jeanist and Hawks, with you still in her arms, and took you with her to the car heading home.

She placed you in the back seat of the car and buckled you in place for safety. She then moved on to her seat in the front and began driving back to her house.

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

While you had dozed off in the back seat for using all of your energy, Midnight had gotten a sudden call.

"Hey, Mic! How are Aizawa and you doing?"

"Shota just got released from the hospital and we're at home. He was persistent with letting the doctors release him early. Since we're back, Shota asked me to take (Y/N) from you because he doesn't want to intrude any longer."

"It's nothing at all, Mic! But are you sure it's okay for Aizawa to be out this early? His wounds weren't minor. Does he think it's okay to burden you all with the kid?"

"Shota keeps on insisting. I think he's still worried about her from the attack. Even though I told him she was in good arms,... he still won't back down Nemuri. Do you by any chance able to bring her now?"

"Yeah, I'll pass by your house in a few minutes. Tell Aizawa on my behalf that I hope he gets better soon."

"Will do midnight, thank you."

Word count:1114

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