New Year's Special💫

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"So, let me get things straight. You, my very disowned brother, want ME, your very own brother that absolutely hates your guts, to help you utilise this child into being a KILLING MACHINE?!"

"Well, I wouldn't say exactly so. But, let's both get one thing straight. Your reason for being alive this instant could only mean that this kid is too important to be left in the hero's hands. And, besides, haven't I just showed you the hero projects she was being taken into? I think that is enough reasoning for you to be with my decision, my dear brother."

Surprisingly, the two men sat at the bar. The older chugged down a shot while the younger stared at him begrudgingly.

You sat comfortably in silence with Tomura. Napping on his chest as he sighed and played with his console on his bed. He didn't want to really babysit you, but when his sensei demanded it, he couldn't refuse.

As the two senior Shigarakis settled things between each other, you were being kept out of any information that would be shared.

You stirred in your sleep and woke up with a fright. Tomura was startled at your awakening and tried to comfort you whilst you looked like you had just come out of a nightmare.

"It's okay, it's okay..."

His gloved hands caressed your head softly, his touch calmed you for a short instance.

"W-Where's Mr. Yoichi...? And Mr. All For One...?"

"They're having a little talk at the bar. They'll be done soon-"

Without any parental figures to call out to anymore, you hated the fact that you were seperated from the last person who acted like one. So, you jumped off Tomura, with your wings flapping urgently, and you hastily left the room to get to the older men. The boy behind you was pacing after you, trying to stop you from interrupting that meeting.

He knew it was important, very important, when his sensei came back home with your sleepy self in his arms and a similar man to him by his side who looked indeed angry and irritated. But, he understood no more than that.

"Oi! (Y/N)! Get back here!"

Tomura's calls seemed to blur in your mind as you got closer and closer to the bar.

The moment you stepped inside, was the moment the two stopped chatting and looked back at you near the recently opened door.

Without context, you walked over to All For One, who sat next to Yoichi on a bar stool, and you hugged his leg tightly.

"Child?... Are you alright?..."

No answer. Yoichi looked down at you worriedly and picked you up from the ground and onto his lap, forcing you to leave his brother.

"Hey, hey... are you alright, kid? What's wrong?..."

No answer. You just silently hugged the male and stayed in his embrace. The two looked at each other. Surprisingly, All For One was looked just as worried as Yoichi. Wich was surprising to the man.

"Huff- Wait- oh my- pant-"

Tomura finally arrived at the door with a loss of breath due to the constant run he was just in.

"Tomura, why is she sad?"

"I have- no idea..."

He plopped face forward on the couch and All For One just sighed. He decided to use more straightforward methods.

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