⟬Voldemort 2.0⟭

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"Mister, you have no nose!"

Stain eyed you with utter shock as his mouth turned into a deep, open frown whilst he watched you eye him curiously.



"Oh no..."

𝙀𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙚𝙧..━━━━━━༺༻ ━━━━━━

"So, All For One... What is that you want?"

"Straight to the point, I see~. Well, my dear enemy, see, I have this vision."

Yoichi could only sigh as he continued to hear his older brother rant and rant about ruling the world, crushing hero society, etc...

"You know Hisashi, somedays, I feel like you forget our existence. You know what, I'm done! I have had enough dealing with your bu-"

"Ahem, the kid... "

"Right, Nana- I have had enough with you! Wanna know what- I'm leaving. I have gotten truly tired of you. I wish I had stayed in that damn quirk. Maybe this wouldn't be our case! Hey- why don't you just leave me, and Nana, and the kid too, to live our new lives in peace, hm? You know, grab our stuff and leave to live a new life in some foreign country? Yeah. That sounds pretty good. Cause I don't think I can handle hearing your babbling, little, dirty, sucking mouth talk one more word about villany."

All For One and Nana had their mouths and eyes wide open as they watched Yoichi cool down from his rant. Blinking, Nana turned down to put her head in her arms as she reevaluated her choices.

AFO looked more offended than shocked as he eyed you jumping down from his lap and hugging Yoichi's legs in comfort.

"This can't be happening... Child?! Why would you take his side?!"

"Uh... He brought back Haru?.."

"I GAVE you Haru! Come on!"

You stuck out your tongue playfully at him. Yoichi dropped you on his lap as you giggled from his sudden tickles.

All For One felt jealous. Really jealous.

"Tsk. Whatever, it's not like you truly have the freedom to do that, Yoichi. Might you be reminded that we are at times where no cases like you are left to roam freely?"

It took a minute or two for Nana and Yoichi to answer before your voice chirped in.

"I'm hungry..."

And then, a grumble. A loud noise erupted from your stomach as embarrassment took over you and your face turned red.


Nana burst out laughing at your reaction as Yoichi playfully giggled. Hisashi on the other hand, could only stare at someone mindlessly, with a soft smile on his face.

'You still haven't lost that damn laugh...'


"Wow... This is some... Base?.."

"One of a kind. Truly, it has it all. A bar, infirmary, rooms, all of it."

Nana tried to hold back her sarcastic smile as she saw a spider web in a far corner of the room. Yoichi didn't hold back his evident disgust on his face.

"Master, would you like any drink?"

"Ah, Kurogiri. Give me a few shots. Nana?"

"No, thank you.."

"As you wish~  And an apple juice, Kurogiri, for the lady."

Kurogiri looked evidently confused but he administered the drinks anyhow. Nana groaned in pain and slammed her head on the bar table. She was very tired of everything that had gone on in the past few minutes alone.

"Tired, Shimura?"

"Hah. Very much."

And on que, all drinks were served. A cold glass of apple juice hit Nana's shoulder as she clasped the drink into her hand and gave it a sniff.

"Nothing's in there but what I tell Kurogiri to put. It's drug free. Just drink it and I'll let him show you to a room to sleep in or something..."

"Wow. Someone is being surprisingly hospitable."

"It's cause I'm in a good mood. Wait till you see your-"

A loud crash erupted from behind them as they swiftly turned to see what caused the noises. There he stood, Tomura, with a broken glass at his feet. He knew he wasn't supposed to be in the bar anytime soon, since he was tasked with putting you to sleep in his own bedroom, but he had to talk with All For One.

And what he found wasn't just his teacher,

He found his own grandmother. The epitome of his hatred.

"So that is the kid you took in, huh, All For One. What's his name?"

"Ah, Tomura..."

"Eh...? Sensei... What is she- wait, How?!"

Nana was confused for a moment at his surprise before she eyed Hizashi's darkened face. He seemed unhappy at the boy's sudden appearance.

"What's wrong? Oi, Kid! You alright?"

Tomura stayed silent..


"Tomura, why don't you go get ready for our guest coming over soon, huh?"

"Oh- oh.. Uh- yeah, yeah.."

He quickly dismissed himself as Nana watched in confusion.

"Is he alright? He looked so shocked to see me."

"Oh he's absolutely fine! Just a bit weirded out by a hero in the base."

'Keep your mouth shut, Tomura.. Tsk. It's better to call him Tenko Shimura in this situation... I better keep Nana off his lead. She'll never forgive me..'

"This is my great base of operation. Uh- Nana, please stay away from that door. You won't like what's behind it.."

"That is conveniently suspicious, don't you think, Hisashi.."

All For One tried to brush off his brother's comments as he showed them to his operation desk.

Tubes and wires were connected to the working chair itself, the computers on desk illuminated most of the room with dark lights.

Surveillance of the bar was shown on the main screen. Other computers showed news and statistics. All anonymous to the newly resurrected beings.

"So, why did you show us here? It's quite far from the base. Do you think leaving the kid alone back there was alright?..."

"Sigh... My dear Nana. There is a guest coming over for discussions that you needn't worry about. Besides, Kurogiri is my very trusted nomu. He'll protect them from any harm."

Yoichi crossed his arms over his chest as he took a seat on his brother's chair. He intently watched the door to the bar open as a wierdly blindfolded man strolled in.

"He's got weapons...A Katana.. Hisashi, I don't think it's a good idea any more..."

Word count: 1040

A/N: I'm so sorry that this chapter may have taken longer than expected to be updated! Again, school and etc.. Thank you all for the support on this story and your patience! More chapters coming up soon!

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