◖Oh no.. 

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Returning home, you held hands with Aizawa and present mic.

As you left the school gates, Aizawa had already called the car to return you all back home.

As you entered the house after the long ride, you began to run towards the kitchen, unknown to why was that, Aizawa and mic followed you to see what you were doing in there all of a sudden.

Turns out you were trying to get out some food from the fridge in front of you.

When you were young, your father always made you do anything yourself after your mother died.

Making food for him and you was your responsibility, since he was never always at home you made any little food a 6 year old could make. Yet he was never pleased and always beat you up badly every single time.

So, you had gotten used to making things like food at home by yourself. Back there the fridge door was reachable to you. Yet here you can't seem to be able to get ahold of it.

'Oh no.. I can't reach it.. What am I going to do to papa... No.. Is he going to hurt me.. I-'

Someone had put their hands on your shoulder, snapping out of your thoughts.

"Hey (Y/N), is everything okay?.. Why are you in the kitchen? Are you hungry..? I can make you some food as soon as I change from my work clothes.." Aizawa said, trying to know what you were up to.

"O-oh I was trying to get some food for you papa.. Wait.. You'll cook? But I thought I was going to make the food..?"
You said confused.

Aizawa looked at you with a surprised expression on his face.

'They.. Cooking? How could a child cook?! Tsk.. Must be from her past experiences... That bastard.. How could you make a child cook?! The poor kid is trembling.. '

"Don't worry kid.. I'll make the food. Mic could you please take her upstairs to change in to some clothes?.. " Aizawa said tiered. Needing to think a moment about what just happened.

"Sure! Cmon kiddo let's get you something comfy!" Mic said, carrying you all the way upstairs in to the bedroom.

He set you down on the bed and started to look for something to hand over to you so you can get dressed.

He had found an old shirt of his that was pretty small since it was very old. The problem was your wings.

He then decided to slit in the back of it two holes so your wings can come out of them nicely.

Meanwhile with Aizawa. He had started cooking some dinner for the three of you.
As he set the table up so he could distribute the food, he felt something jump up on his legs and hold him tightly

It gave him a fright but once he looked who it was, he relaxed and gave a small smile.

"Hey (Y/N). Is that Hizashi's old shirt. It's big on you.. Eh just be careful not to trip." Aizawa said eying your shirt that you wore.

As dinner was served you began eyeing the food as if it was the first time you had ever seen it. It's been so long since you had a nice meal that you forgot how it tasted.

Mic looked at you, wondering why you hadn't eaten yet. He asked you why and you told him.

Both looked at you in shock as tears began to fall from your eyes as you rubbed them.

But what made up for those sad memories was the delicious food served in front of you as you ate all together happily..

Time skip'"*

As you sat on aizaw's table drawing, you had been waiting for this class to finish in order for you all to go to the USJ. You had talked aizawa through it and he just couldn't say no to the puppy eyes you were giving him. So, he agreed to take you with him with one condition. That you never leave his side during the whole time.




As you all arrived at the huge building after getting off the bus, you had sat with the girls named Ochaco and Asui in the bus during the whole ride.

As you all entered. You started to look around, there were many environments in the place. You really liked it. It was all big and pretty

As pro hero thirteen greeted you all, she started to explain what is the USJ and how it works. As you ignored her and looked around, You noticed the fountain being weird, soon a purple portal had opened near it.

"Uh papa. What's that?"

You said, tugging on Aizawa's sleeve and and pointing towards the portal. People or villians.. Had started to come out of it.

"Thirteen! Those are villians! Protect the children. (Y/N), stay here okay."

He said, trying to keep you as calm as possible. You started to worry as he went off to fight the villians and thirteen tried to evacuate you all only to be stopped...

Word count: 855

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