Camping? More Like Dying

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𝔸/ℕ: 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕕𝕒𝕞𝕟. 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕒 𝕡𝕖𝕒𝕔𝕖𝕗𝕦𝕝 𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕜 𝕠𝕦𝕥𝕥𝕒 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕤𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕞 😭

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"I truly don't think that's a good idea..."

"But Aizawa, you can't keep the kid locked in forever."

All Might was right, Shota knew it as well. They both walked down the halls with a steady pace, discussing your situation.

"Besides, we could get you and Vlad King to work with her during your free time there. Even the Pussycats won't mind, I called and asked. They're also taking care of a child there, young Kota. Maybe you could take parenting advice from them."

"I'll think it through till tomorrow, All Might. But I thank you anyhow for the suggestion..."

And the bells rang, signalling the end of the day.

Tomorrow, was to be the day you made new acquaintances.


"Road trip!"

"(Y/N)! Sit down please. You didn't take your backpack!"

The joyful smile on your face didn't falter for a second as you turned again and flapped over to Mic. He held your filled backpack in one hand and a brush in the other.

Today was the day you went with Aizawa to the training camp, and boy were you excited.

"Now, here are a few rules so your papa doesn't kill me. One, don't go running off ever without telling him! Two, stay away from the forest at night or when you're alone. We don't want you getting lost now and causing your dad to lose his marbles- And three, when you're very emotional, don't touch someone, alright?"

"Mhm! I won't break a rule!"

"Ha... Well that good then. Now, stay still so I could brush your hair into your favorite braids!"

A few minutes passed on the clock and Aizawa came out of the shower. Dressed in his hero attire and ready to leave on the go.

"All ready, (N/N)?"

"Yeah, papa! Bye dad!"

Mic gave you a kiss on the forehead and waved you goodbye as you and Aizawa headed out the door.

He wanted to come with the two of, really. But his work as a hero and his UA job stopped him.

"Just be safe..."


The class was full of chatter on the road. Aizawa was very irritated, but left them to be as it would be the last fun of the summer.

This time, you sat along Bakugo. Tokoyami dimmed the curtains next to him as he allowed dark shadow to roam. You took advantage of that and you began petting and cuddling the quirk.

Due to your movement, you accidentally slapped Bakugo across the face with your wings

"Stop moving. You smacked your wings in my face...."

"Sorry, Mister Bakugo."


A smile formed on Tokoyami's face. Bakugo, at this point of the day, was too carefree to even care about the male sitting next to him.

You left Dark Shadow after a while due to fatigue and a yawn left your mouth. Fluffing inwards your wings, you tucked them in well and you layed asleep on Bakugo's torso, sleeping on your side as you faced the window.

Your sudden action surprised Bakugo for  a second before he returned his normal unbothered expression.

Tsuyu and Uraraka were sitting on the seats in front of Bakugo and they took notice of your sleepy form.

"Psst! Tsu, lookd back at Bakugo and (Y/N)-chan..!"

The green headed girl turned around and took the glimpse after your cute and sleeping future on a not so grumpy Bakugo.

Uraraka took out her phone from her pocket and snapped a quiet picture from in between the seats without allowing Bakugo to notice, he was too busy staring down at you.

A while later, the bus took a stop. Bakugo had guilt build up inside of him as he forced you to wake up, causing you to let out some sad whines.

"Come on. The bus stopped..."

You refusee to let go of the boy, hands clutching his shirt tightly as he tried to let you down. So, Bakugo was forced to hold you in his arms as he left the bus.

Many of his classmates gave him looked of awe but his glares scared them away.

Aizawa waited for the entire class to get off the bus before he took you calmly from Bakugo's arms. Thanking the boy for taking care of you swiftly.

They began to wonder why they stopped out of no where once they realized they where in the middle of an empty forest clearing.

"Hold on... What kind of rest stop is this?"

"Of course we stopped here for a reason.."

Aizawa answered to all the questions at once and he turned to the person who called out his hero name.

"Heya, Eraser!! Sorry, I haven't see you in a while."

You perked up at the voice of a woman. At that, you were able to watch the Pussycats give off their signature introduction. What you took notice of was the little boy behind the Pro Heroes.

You jumped down from Aizawa's arms and you were going to walk over to the boy's direction when Aizawa stopped you from doing so.


"Wait a second, (Y/N). It's dangerous right now..."

"Huh? Why-"

And the ground rumbled. An avalanche took place as the ground in front of you fell, taking the students with it.

The quakes scared you and you held on dearly to Aizawa, who, in return, held you comfortly.

"It's alright. It won't come near you.."

"But, papa! They all fell!"

"Exactly. They're training, (Y/N). They've got three hours to reach the base at the base of that mountain. Mandalay, you take it from here- (Y/N)!"

All breath nearly left Aizawa as you sat at the edge of the newly made cliff. Watching down on the struggling children out of curiosity.

As the man was about to grab you, you made a leap to reach the ground, your wings used as parachutes.

The Pussycats nearly got a heart attack as they watched you descend. Aizawa's bandages were unable to reach you in time.

But all that went through your little head was,

'This is just like my flight with Hawks! Yay! I wanna go again!'

The man was a true bad influence.

Word count: 1044

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