Dad wasn't the sweetest➷

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You woke up suddenly, early with a fright from a nightmare. To your surprise, you weren't cuddled up with Midnight nor were you in her house any longer.

The hardest thing for your mind to buffer at this late hour was that it failed to see that the "mummy" in bed was actually just Aizawa.

A high pitch scream left your mouth immediately as Aizawa's eyes and Mic's shot wide open. You began to sob and wail in fear.

"Shh. (Y/N), its just me."

Aizawa had tried to calm your nerves down, but your tiny mind in the dark was not having it. Your screams got louder and louder as you backed up into Mic and held onto his shirt for dear life.

"Oh, (Y/N). Its all okay. That's just Shota in some bandages!"


You argued back as you hid your face in his chest and continued to sob. Aizawa was not in the greatest of moods being woken up like that.

"(Y/N), look at me."

Aizawa demanded of you. With clear hesitation, your slowly twisted your head, you body clutched to Mic still, and you gave him a glance with your teary eyes.

Aizawa turned on the lamp for you to get a better view of him and so did he of you.

His heart shattered. The terrified look in your eyes said so much about how you saw him at that moment. Those same teary eyes calmed down after you grasped the idea of the person infront of you being Aizawa.


Once the immediate reality hit you, you let go of the blonde and you jumped into Aizawa's near embrace. He hugged you back with his head on your tiny shoulder as his arms were wrapped.

"I'm sorry I scared ya...why don't we go back to bed, alright?..."

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Aizawa left for the school and so did Mic. They had gotten a call from the police department about arresting your 'father' and that they needed you to make sure that the claims charged against him were true.

Aizawa was quite reluctant at first to leave you alone, but then he remembered that you were going to be escorted by the number two hero, Endeavor, who had been the one to catch the man and had to be there for interrogation.

When you were dropped off at the Police station, you got scared walking around a man very much larger than you were with flames surrounding him all over. He was a scary sight for a tiny child like yourself.

You walked next to him obediently as the two of you approached the room your father was in.

No words were exchanged in between the two of you for a long while but you kept on staring and awing at Endeavor's way.

The man got curious as to why you hadn't laid your eyes off him for a while and soon finally turned his head towards your way.


Enji said his words sternly as you fumbled on spot from fear. You swallowed your saliva and you hesitantly pointed to his shoulders.

He raised an eyebrow at you and immediately understood why. The parts of his shoulders were emitting his flames other than his beard. Rather than that, the rest of his hero suit was untouched.

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