✤Lost cause meet※

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The rest of the day went on quite awkwardly. Hawks would try to buy you candy and sweets to just make you look at him. Nothing worked. Not even ice cream. You no longer had the will to even touch or look at the Hero. Rather, dragging along next to him wherever he went with a bandaged back and what were now sore feet.

A slight tingle went through Hawks and he looked down at you abruptly. His arms encased your waist as he carried you up and run into a certain direction with no context.

You were shocked. You tried to pull away from him but all in vain as Hawks looked sharper than ever. Puffing out his wings and his eyepiece now in place. It scared you to say the most.

"Mr. Hawks?!"

"Shh. Stay here kid. Dont make a sound alright?"


He placed you hastily ok the ground again inside a dim closet. Closing the door behind him as he left you in the dark.

Sudden siren alarms rang throughout the building. Hawks irked at that and he immediately flew away to stop the incoming danger....

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

"Damned villians!"

The base was now a war zone. Nomus were everywhere inside. Hawks was handling a Nomu as other heroes tried to pull out the regular workers and civilians out of the place.

"C'mon, Move!"

"Get outta here!"

As the rescues continued on, so was Hawks's fight. The Nomu was persistent. More of your endangered safety, other than his, was flooding over his mind. If he allowed the Nomu to move on from here, he'd put you and everyone in danger. That's why even with a bloody nose and forehead, he kept on persistently.

The people inside were being escorted out the back doors of the building. Most heroes were yet unlearned of the attack due to the sudden cut of connections.

"Why won't you just give up already?!"


A pair of read shoes with blood on their heels walked around the silent district of the headquarters. Blue hair, hidden under a black hood, was gently entitling the criminal's face. No type or reaction whatsoever in his eyes about the chaos that ensued after his break in. Maybe a rather... Happy mind. Yet what he wanted most was not here.

As he was known for his break-in in UA, Tomura Shigaraki was quite not pleased with its results.

He was snapped out of his stray thought of destruction when he passed a closet door. Watching a colored glow coming from the empty gap under it.

He got curious at what was inside and he decided to not decay the door. Not wanting to destroy anything worth of value if in there.

He opened the door with his thumb and first few fingers. Leaving out his pinky so his quirk would not activate.

As the door was swung open from the inside, Tomura was met with what was quiet the sight.

"Well isn't this interesting..."


Hawks sighed deeply as the fight was finally over. His wings stung from being used too much an he rubbed his jaw to relieve the pain in his muscles.

He was now walking over back to where you were last left at in hopes to get you away from here while the captured Nomus and villains were taken into custody by the police and the rest of the heroes who later on arrived at the scene.

His thought were immediately crushed as his eyes widened at the bloody footprints on the ground.

The first thought that came to his mind was you as his heart thumped in his chest. He ran as fast as he could to where you were, praying that you were alright. He used his wings to find your tingle but to no use. His feathers were also no use. Nothing was of use now.

A deafining ring ran through his ears as he took in the sight of an empty closet...

The same exact closet you'd been in.

But now...

Now there was blood on walls...


"All might! They've taken her, the kid! We got a news report from pro hero Hawks and he is on his way to find her."

The news dropped on the two top heroes of Japan who were conversing. The immense shock of what they heard made their eyes bulge.


Allmight was furious. Endeavor was just as angry but chose to stay silent on this one as he waited for the informant to speak. His flames getting hotter and hotter by the ticking second.

"Th-the supply closet at district f-five Northern area of the b-building, sir..."

Once the words were said, Allmight and Endeavor immediately took off. Each in their own directions as they handed out orders to immediately find you.

Everyone was on their toes to try and find your little self so...

Where had you gone?...


"She can't be dead!"

"Shota calm down..."

Aizawa was now on scene as he anxiously waited the blood work results of the found blood on the wall of the closet.

If it had matched your DNA, then the possibility of your death, since you were unable to be found, would be quite high.

The hero's eyes were swelling with tears as he was sat down by Mic on one of the chairs. Nemuri was also trying to calm him down. Telling him that everything was going to be alright, though she held back tears of her own.

"Lab results are back, Mr. Eraserhead..."


They were all on their feet. Tskauchi held a paper in his hands and his face was sullen.

"The blood on the wall was taken in and analysed. So was the dried bloody footprints. The footprints seemed to have nothing to do with (Y/N)-San but..."

"But what, Detective?!"

The detective held the paper in his hand tighter as it crumbled underneath his hold. He dropped his hand to his side and looked to the floor.

"The blood in the closet was indeed...

(Y/N)-san's blood...."

Word count: 1029

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