◆Hit 'Em With Them◇

904 31 6

"Wake up, (Y/N). We've got to get you breakfast before it ends. C'mon..."

"Mnnnn... "

Aizawa carried your sleepy form out of the comfortable warmth of the covers and into his embrace. He quickly dressed you up, whilst you dozed off again standing, and he escorted you with him to the staff room where the teachers ate their breakfast.

"Morning, Aizawa. Morning, little miss."

"Good morning, Vlad. Sorry you had to wait for me.."

"Mwornin.... Haah..."

Vlad and the rest of the Pussycats gave you two their greetings and you all sat on a table to eat. You were constantly yawning and rubbing your eyes to push out the sleep from them.

"Papa... Why are we awake this early...?"

"Because I need to train the class, (Y/N). Besides, you are going to be training with the class yourself today too."

At the mention of training, you lit up like a lightbulb. You were going to be trained by heroes!

"Training!? What are we waiting for, papa! Let's go-!"

"Hold your horses- you got to finish breakfast first!"

Aizawa had a mild struggle with you to keep you in place. The teachers giggled at your father-daughter bicker, but Kota, who ate in silence, only scoffed.

After you inhaled your breakfast, disapproved by Aizawa, you were led into the training field.

All the students stood there. Some were sleepy whilst others couldn't wait to get their day started.

"Good morning!"

Came your cheery voice from behind them. They all turned around and one by one they started to greet and welcome you.

Momo had execused Aizawa to carry you and he allowed it after seeing your eager expression. You jumped into the girl's arms and she giggled with you happily.

"Good morning to you too, (Y/N)-chan! Are you joining us for training today?"


The kids gave you brights smiles and Aizawa drew back their attention to him as he stood in the middle of the field.

Momo let you down and you kept hold of her hand in yours.

"Today, the real training camp begins. Ideally, you will all emerge stronger. Strong enough to acquire your Provisional Licenses."

After more talk you didn't really pay attention to, Aizawa passed over to Bakugo a ball. He asked him to throw it with his full power.

Knowing the boy's quirk, you let go of Momo and hold your hands to your ears. When Bakugo threw the ball, a strong wind picked up. You used your wings, carefully this time, to manage not to be blown away.

"Woah... Thats cool..."

Aizawa explained to them the purpose and the harshness of the training. You listened closely to what he said.

Around the corner, tables, barrels and caverns in the wall were seen. It was where they will all be training.

"Bakugo, you and Todoroki will use the heating barrels to train. Momo, you and Sato will eat what is on the table. You will keep creating objects while you, Sato, will continue buffing your strength with that weight. Ojiro, you will use your tail to attack Kirishima as hard as you could as he tries to enforce his hardening as best as he could. The rest, follow me..."

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