Chapter 1: We're just Rivals?

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(Editing: 3/28/2022)

KreekCraft Pov:

"And the winner is, with a score of 8-7, congratulation to Tanqr!" Sabrina announced

Thanks a lot, Forrest. For messing up the last jump in the Lava Run. Sabrina give Tanqr the Season 2 Trophy and everyone started clapping and I have to get into it too. Great, Tryhard has the Season 2 Trophy. But, he's don't have my Season 1 Sword pack, beating Bri- was it Brinnaa? or something along the lines of that name. Toffu and SeeDeng- My thoughts were dawn when I heard Russo making another address.

"And! Tanqr, you now have received the 2.0v Sword pack! The new and better version than Kreek's old pack!" Russo said in his blasting tone.

I facepalm from what I say 5 seconds from what I just said. I just look at Tanqr, who's now wearing the new version sword pack. I just walked away from the scene and into the lockers. I grabbed my backpack and look at my phone. I'm not looking on Twitter since the fans would be upset at me. Dexter and Red were messaging me that you did your best and Timmeh was happy about losing. I smile that at. Timmeh was satisfied with me, no matter that.

"Hey, Kreek?" a voice entered the room

I turned around and caught the Season 2 champion staring back at me

"What you do want, Tryhard?" I said, in an irritated tone. I didn't want to communicate with the person who made me lose from one unfair round but he's was the just one almost to me.

Three Pov:

Tanqr took a breath before speaking out, which brought Kreek's attention.

"Look I don't cause any drama about you," Tanqr said. "I just wanted to express that, you did better than me."

"Thanks for that, big man championship," Kreek said in a dissatisfied tone while closing his locker. Kreek left the locker room and was about to leave the backdoors. Currently, in the back hallway. Tanqr was strolling along with him. Tanqr's hands were near Kreek's hands a couple of inches away. Kreek was focusing on his phone more than Tanqr's move.

"Well, I have to get a place to stay before we're allowed travel back to our home," Kreek says while walking with his rival into the exit area.

"You can sleep at my house for a couple of days if you wanted to." Tanqr was offering

"Thanks but no. I'm fine with a hotel room. Far away from your ass" Kreek said in a casually jokingly tone.

"Ohh, should you want to play that game, huh?" Tanqr says while putting his arms up

"No, I said I'm fine-" Kreek says before cutting out by Tanqr hugging Kreek while mid-sentences. Kreek's hands were on his side but slowly coming up to Tanqr's back.

"Okay, this is getting a little embarrassing," Kreek said in an odd tone. Tanqr let go of Kreek and said apologetically for his action. Kreek was off guard by it but he didn't mind it fully.

"Now, you wanted to stay at my place?" Tanqr is coughing at it, trying to make a joke.

Kreek stood next to his rival, now deciding to spend nights with his rivals or better off living in a hotel room by himself.

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