Chapter 6: Founding out

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Timmeh POV:

I was waiting for Kreek Craft in the airport. It was almost 8pm in the time. I was playing Mario Kart with Mo. I was to cheering inside! I kept looking around for the one red shirt. 

Mo: Timmeh? Calm down, Kreek will come.

Timmeh: I knwon but get I'm exited!

Red: Excited, Timmeh. 

Timmeh: yeah, Exited.

I look around, waiting and I got bored, like really quickly. I tap on Mo's shoulder  while holding my Switch. My color Switch was custom made, with gray and white colors . He have a smile look and toke out his Switch, with the colors, neon green and blue. 

Mo: Oh, your on Timmeh!

Red: Guys, quiet down. We are looking for Kreek.

Timmeh: Sowry!

 I was in first place in Mario Kart until a voice appeared. "Hey, Buddy~" I automatedly knew who it was. I dropped my Switch on my chair and hugging Kreek. He hug back. I look up to see his face and I saw Him in corner of my eyes. He the one made Kreek Lwost! I gave him like an annoyed lwook. I can't tell what is reaction as, because he busy look a Kewft? I didn't care but He say he wanted to talk to Kreek priwvawtely? I was confuse so much that Kewft followed him in a dark roowm?

I was sus with Tryhard. But, I look back, they were both gonwe! I wanwted to found them, but I know Dexter and Red is gowing to say no. So, while Red and Dexter were talking. I grabed my Switch, and broken off one the handles and put them backwards and thrown them in the ground. And I started to "cry" hard.

Red: Timmeh! Why did you do that?!

Dexter: Oh shoot, um Mo any ideas?

Mo: Umm, I didn't know what do, Why you looking me!?

They have agruement about my Switch, don't worry since I have a backups! I wuickly sneak off and wented to the hallway, that Tryhard take Krwft Crwft!  Also, how Dexter noitced that I'm gone. Oh, well! I walked quietly to not cause noises what felt like a hours. Then I heard, a voice!

"But still, this felt wrong-"

KRWFT CRWFT! It's him! I wanted to run but noise level! I notices that there's a corner hallway and when I peak around it. I shocked in my soul!!  

The Tryhard is Kissing Krewf Crwft?!!?

I just standing there, peaking around the corner, just looking at them.

"Krewf Crawft?"

Dexter POV:

We just auguring about a Timmeh's Switch some much, that I forgot Timmeh!

I noticed it and panicking set in. I look around and remember he wanted to see what Kreek and Tanqr talking about. So, Mo and Red were still compilating and I just ran out and head in the hallway. Timmeh was looking a corner and just standing here, look like he's in shocked. When I looked at the corner, I just saw Kreek arms on Tanqr's hip area and Tanqr's arms on Kreek's shoulders. And I put two to together.

Tanqr wanted to share his feeling with Kreek in a corner, like a bit

I just gave a nod to the both of them. Timmeh was in shocked. But I convention Timmeh and they're making a bit but they didn't go to far. I carrying Timmeh, since he was tired. 

Kreek: Hey, Dexter? I wanted to stay here with Tanqr.

Tanqr: Yeah, for business purpose . . . .

Dexter: Okay, but we don't talk about this especially on Twitter.

Both: Agreed

I when back to Mo and Red, both were worry but I just explaining that Kreek have to business with Tanqr. But, I know why. I just carry Timmeh, who was sleeping on my shoulder to our car.

Now, I know why Tanqr wanted to talk to Kreek.

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