Filler: Playtime

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I'm going to regret this..... :)
Tw//: Sumt

Kreek Pov:

I was hiding behind a wall since my health was almost low. 34%. I was in the rematch with my rival, Tanqr. He was the one who won Season 2 because I tripped on the Final Fight. Since after two months, the Judges message us about we are down for a rematch. Obviously, I was down and ready for this fight. Tanqr accepted too. I endure when I'm not around Tanqr but everytime when he's around, doubt builds inside of me. Before the round started I was in the middle choosing my weapon, before Tanqr grabbed the collar of my gray jacket. "You're going to use up when I'm done with you," he laughed. What the hell does he mean?

I flashback until now, when he was damaging my health. I looked around my area for Tanqr to appear out of nowhere. After my health was fully done,Tanqr appeared and pinning both my arms into the wall. "What the fuc-!" I shouted. His chest was almost near my face, he was laughing.

"Looks like I caught you by yourself~" Tanqr said

"Haha, great for you!" I said, in an annoyed tone.

"Hehe, aw~ that's sound so sweet~"

"Go ahead! Kill me already! You already won!" I was hoping he would understand what he said because he's getting on my nerves.

"No~ I think I like you staying in this pose," Tanqr said in a weird tone while chuckling?

My back was on the side against the wall, arms in the air and neck almost reaching out. Way to go, Forrest! Right now, tryhard is going to win now! Perhaps, if I moved my head around to get away from his face. I did that but- Tanqr used one of his arms, grabbed both my hands, and put them up. At the same time, his other free hand was-

Rubbing along my neck?!

"Tanqr-r, this is not funny anymore!" I examined, yet my face started to heat from his rubbing my neck. Why am I enjoying it?! Sure it feels nice- Agh! I thought this was over already but something bizarre started to develop. He starts to apply little pressure on a cercent spot. I couldn't stop him or myself!

"Tanqr! Okay-ay the joke is- Ahh~!" Did I just- moaned?! Tanqr was startled and let go of both my arms. "What the fuck was that mate?!" he said in a stunned voice. "You kept rubbing my neck! You fucking cat!" I yelled back at him.

Awarkara silence filled the space between.

Then . . . .

Tanqr led close to my face, beginning to take off his mask and kissed me. I didn't expect it at first but it started to melt into a kiss. What the
hell? I asked myself but I slowly grabbed his neck area since he won over me. Suddenly, as we gasped for air, I just started to close back at the wall. "Hehe, you're kinda fun to play with~" he said in a dirty tone. Tanqr makes his way down into my neck area, and starts to leave marks over it. I keep moaning each time he bites into it. Especially, when he found my sweet spot from before.

I couldn't support myself when Tanqr messed around my belt and boxers too. He has his member already out that quickly. He grabbed my legs, place them on his waist. While my back was against the wall. He started to smile, and thrusted into me.

"Ah~Ahh~!" I moaned every time he tried to get into me.

"I'm going to find your sweet spot~" he said back.

I didn't care if my enemy was getting himself into me, I was savoring this moment. I was sweating at this point, but I became a moan mess and couldn't get words out of my mouth at that moment. I keep laughing and enjoying this.

"He-he You-r- re clo-ose, Tan-qr."

"I'm- not done playing you-u yet!" Tanqr is starting to be a bit faster now, yet I keep enjoying this fun time with my rival. I have my tongue out for this, while he manages to keep thrusting me. I was to see how much cum all over me but I can see a bit from Tanqr.

It was a couple of seconds until he started to slow down. He was gasping a little bit but I had a lot to breathe. "W-Wait-t, I have some- thing-ing to do-o" I stutter due to my lack of breathing. "Show me~" Tanqr said in an overwork voice yet chuckling. I just look at his tired eyes, and try to go for a kiss but Tanqr my chin and start to use his tongue and I did the same but never fully went for it. There was a string of saliva connecting us, "There. . . ", he said in a tired voice.

Both of us were tired and ending up sleeping on each other's shoulders. Forgetting about the rematch.


Sabrina: So *have tissues* Should we tell the fans we're delayed this?

Russo: *have nosebleed* Yeah, you agree Dj?

Dj: *nosebleed* Sabrina, hand me another tissue box-


(hehe so- sorry for the nosebleed?)

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