Chapter 2: Staying over.

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Tanqr Pov:


Kreek: Okay, fine. I guess. Just for one night? Got it?

Tanqr: *Chuckle* Okay, okay. 

I smile under my mask. Of course, he didn't see it but I felt red-ness on my face. He's was kinda cute when he's mad - Wait no, Leeyum. Not now, I can deal this thought now. But- he's still nice to me so. 

Kreek: *snaps fingers* Hey! Winner? Come on! The sooner we do this, the better I can get over it.

I snap back from day dream land. Kreek was a worried expression look. I said I'm fine and just relaxing over the congratulation. We when out of the back hallway and out in the parking lot. It was getting close to evening. I went to my car, and Kreek kept following. Kreek's body was posing like a lumpy way but he's trying to stand up. I chucked at him, when Kreek was struggling to securing into the passer seat. We were both quiet and didn't talk during the whole driving. 

When we stopped at random spot light. I look back at Kreek. The sunset was beautiful and it was glowing on Kreek. I smile and blushed a little. He was glowing with the sunset.

[This is Tanqr's house but more the area is more forests]

[This is Tanqr's house but more the area is more forests]

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Parking in my driveway, Kreek was surprised at my house. I lived in a forest type area since It's peace and quiet. I was kinda tired but not fully. Kreek was still staggered at it. I laughing inside.

Tanqr: I know, this new but come on Kreek. You're still tired? right?

Kreek: Sorry! I just looking around your area but you still here alone?

Tanqr: Yeah but I fine after all I have to training in the past.

Come on, Leeyum! Why did I talked about little about my past to him?! Now, he's going to asked questions! Kreek was quiet a for bit but quickly gets out of the car, when to backseat to pick up this backpack and I did the same. I unlocked my door, Kreek body was tired, I can tell

Tanqr: You can sleep on the couch or on the floor your choice?

Kreek: Couch. Look and also, where's your shower?

Tanqr: *sigh* Second room on the right, mates

Kreek: Thanks.

Kreek have been the shower for almost 5 minutes. The time now was 8pm and I was feeling tried, Kreek was out the shower with his hair looking like a wet spaghetti. I was holding an extra blanket for him. I chuckled a bit on his hair.

Kreek: What? 

Tanqr: Nothing mate. Here's your blanket.

Kreek grab it out of hands and saying thanks. I smile a bit. I can feel my body saying I need to hug him. But my mind said No and leave him. Kreek take off his flannel and was only wearing his gray hoodie. 

Tanqr: If you need me, I'm the upstairs on the left.

Kreek: Okay, then.

I turn off the lights and headed up to my bedroom. I take off my mask and putted next to my night stand. I gaze on my ceiling and time goes on, I feel my heart slowing calming down. I can feel my eyes getting heaver and eventfully slowly closed my eyes.

(WHOO!! Chapter 2 is out!! I happy that I'm finished it, since I deal with school and Let's see what Kreek is dreaming about! )

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