Chapter 10: Fighting

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Tanqr Pov :

"It's him..." Kreek whispered into my ear. I was puzzled. Until I saw where Kreek eyes pointing too. A figure, just standing there. I was have a trouble feeling inside of my body. Kreek was still holding my hip area. I tried to make a outline of the figure, but I guess the figure heard my thoughts and walked out of the shadows. He's was wearing a overalls, with white shirt on top it, and top of it a bow tie? That's amazing, I thought.

(Tw//: Language)

???: Well, well. Isn't that Damn cute- 

???: The Little Peppa- Ripoff Player is dating a Arsanal player!

Kreek: Look, we don't cause any trouble, Albert!

I was more puzzled. Kreek know this guy?! I was started to a question everything. Kreek sighed," Tanqr, this is Albert or Flamingo. The Famous Farmer Killer around Ro-City." He took a another sigh, "Remember in the Bloxy News, there's was break in the Arena?" I heard that on the news. By Konkeo Kitten or Sona, I assume what theirs names are- They reported during one of Battles, a break in with the Judges while a interview and he escaped but was he's caught on cameras.

???: Enough chatting, looks like your boyfriend does about know me...

Albert said that with a wink to Kreek. I felt uncomforting from that wink, I just didn't feel right. Especially, around my boyfriend. Kreek was getting started to get behind me. Thankfully, I have my dagger on me, just incase things like this happened.  Albert was started to draw closer to us, I was holding up my dagger until he laughing? 

Albert: Oh, you wanted to fight? Fuck, I didn't bring a target. *chucked* 

Now, he was holding a Shotgun. How the fuck he got? I didn't wanted question, I was getting heating over this bitch. He started to pointed to me and scream, "YOU'RE THE TARGET!"

He started to rush to me, and quickly grabbed Kreek and thrown him into the nearest trash pilled. Sorry, Pumpkin! But, its for your good! I quickly grabbed my dagger, charged forwards, and started the first swing. The opponent avoid it really quickly and missed the shot. I was sild under his leg kickin' him over. Quickly, jumping over his back, holding the dagger up to his neck area. I didn't react he thrown me off his back and flung into a near wall. Damn it, he's good! He reload his shotgun and avoiding it. I felt something dripping on my left shoulder area. Blood-

Albert: Looks like someone is hurt~ *chucked* 

His neck area was dripping on blood, and all over on his use to be white shirt. Shit, I need still fight him! I look around for finding my dagger- Albert thrown his shotgun and cracking his knuckles. Oh now, he wanted a proper fight? I let out a low growl, immediately jump up and started to punching is neck area since it was weaker part. Blood started to leaking out everywhere, Albert grab my one arms, holding it and shoved me in to a wall. He started to punching in my stomach area and my hip area. I glance to Kreek, he was crouching.  I felt the blood coming out, like little puddle. Albert's face was enjoying seeing my pained. I have to give time to distracted him, before Kreek grab it. 

Albert stopped punching me and give a smile. "Oh, that's cute. You have a soft spot for that idiot." I have to look at his eyes. Craziness and insanely, that's how I described his looks. "Listen to me, why have this little player when you can have me~. " Albert isn't remotely the same as Kreek. Not the same. "Why, with your skills and my weaponry. We can partner up and kill the unkilable. Why, I can make you famous~" He said that in a smile look. I felt the drops of blood leaking on the floor. "We can started with the one who treats you like a toy." 


He screamed loudly! I quickly use that chance and freed myself out his grasp. I look to Kreek, who was outraged while  holding Albert's shotgun. He saved me. 

Kreek: Are you going to finished fucking sentence, partner?

Albert smiled and holding my dagger. "Oh, you daddy fucker!" I shouted and drop kick him in his stomach area. Kreek was shooting at him, almost missing him but the one shot, he got some damage. Albert gotten up and swing my dagger around Kreek arms. He was gotten some blood on his arms. I started to punching in the face area, Kreek got withhold my dagger and passed to me while I was pinning Albert to the ground. I started to stabbing above his left eye and tore down his face his  until he kicked me off. He was now holding his left face for prevented the blood flow and his blood was it now on his arms. 

"You just waste a chance working with me... Tanqr- " He said with a smile. Kreek was charged toward him, he was holding something flicker in the ally light. "Kreek wait-!" To late, Kreek was have glass shard on his thigh area. He bead down, and was in a lot pain. I run to him, helping him to easy-off the pain. Blood was stained all over his thighs. Albert was laughing at me but-

"FLAMINGO!" Someone shouted, I turned out and saw three people was standing a feet away from me and Kreek. "Oh, hello there Judges. Have we meet before?" The judges!? I was shocked. Russo, Sabrina and Dj was here. Russo, holding a sword- like weapons,  shouted," We don't wanted a fight scene, Albert! We just wanted our champions back!" Albert was angry but left the scene of the fighting, He ran into the forest area and disappeared. 

I carried Kreek, in a bride style to Sabrina. Russo and Dj were searching the area just in case for Albert to counter attacked us. I explained what happened to Kreek to Sabrina.

"Come on! Let's get back to the studio! I can healing the both of you." Sabrina said and called over Russo and Dj to get the truck over.  I was looked a Kreek face, blood stains was on his face area. 

"Don't worry Kreek, Sabrina is going to heal you," I whispered


Three Pov?:

Albert escaped, run into the forest area and back to his old rundown studio. He arrived to it and called someone.

{Play 17:00 for the video!}

Albert: I failed to killed the target at the Alleyway, ma'am.

Albert: He and his boyfriend were hard to kill, but I can do it again, if you have more of money. But, it won't happened.

???: It better not.

???: I wanted this cheater prick dead, I don't care how much or who you have to go thought.


Awkward silent happened.

Albert: Understood.

Albert and ??? hang up. Albert was holding his shotgun,

Albert: We will get them next time......

Albert laughing while holding book, with couple eyes were behind them. All of them were laughing.


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