Chapter 12: Friend?

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Credits to  @Cinderror for the Thumbnail!

Timmeh (POV):

Well, since the purpwle one said I can stay until Kreek gets better. I was staywing in the next room beside Kreek's. I think it was awround 12:24 am and I wawke up. I have used the bathwroom- now I see why Kreek record in the night time when everyone is sleewping. I quietly got up and open the door. I see notwhing but ligwhts from the ceiling, just flickewring? That's weird, I thought. But the bathroom was downstairs but I wanted to use the elevator but nowises! I guess I take the stairs! I was quiewtly running down the hallway and near to a stairway. I was in a like a lower level? I don't know. It looks a empty hallway but I saw a bathrwoom sign! Finally, a batwhroom!

After that, I was bewtter. I sighed and I heading back up until I catch something in my eye

A flower petwal? 

A trail of them, leading them into a darkness of the hallway? The only light source was a flickering light and just mwy eyes sight.  I started to go after the trawil and what felt like a hours. I reached to a open door? Couldn't read the sign but I think its said, "Old Champions Memorial" or something lines of that. I opewned the door and I felt diffewrent like I wasn't here when this hawppened. 

There was pictwure of peoples, that I didn't know. The first one is someone wearing green- something, and cant see their fwace, due their hair is blocking it. More of thowse people were doing same pose, like the first one. I saw someowne in the photos, hwaving rainbow hair and weawring a yellwow something- and another one but with a sloth and a red camo shirt? I just kept viewing all the differewnt photos before the cominwg across a flower pot. It had two flower, withwered down. Two roses, whitwe and yellow. There was a note:

From our Old Friend, Denis Daily.


Denis? I never heard of him siwnce like never! I was like, before I was even born. I was grab the vase, just looking that it. I didn't like it. The color was so green-ish, have a duswt stuff on it and -


I dropwped it. The dewad flowers was on the floor and pieces of the ugly vase was on the floor too. Oh no- I hope no one heard it, no wait- they can't heard it- right?

???: Hello?

I spoke too soon. Oh on, its Krewek!

Timmeh: I'm sorry Kreek, its wasn't my fault-

I turn around and its wasn't him. Its was a ghost- Why there's a ghost in the studio! I just standing here, I felt fear and terror. I just standing here. He was wearing a darwk blue sweatwshirt with flowers on his head. I just looking at ghost eyes: White void. 

Ghost Denis: Don't be alarmed!

Timmeh: How?

Ghost Denis: I'm your friend! Remember me?

Timmeh: No, I down't know yowu-

Ghost Denis: ? 

Ghost Denis: Oh! I know who know me!

Timmeh: Whwo?

Ghost Denis: Follow me!

The ghost quickly went thouwght the dowor and the liwhts started to flicking like crazy. Oh no, I think I let a Ghowst in the Stuwdio!

Pleawse donw't do anwything crawzy!


Tanqr and Kreek kissing*

Ghost Denis: ?

Ghost Denis: Are you guys dating?

Tanqr: No, Kreek is my railing boyfriend-

Russo and Dj: Am a joke to you?

Sabrina: *eating popcorn* Yep.

(Everyone said hi to Ghost Denis in the chat!)

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