Chapter 14: New Shifting?

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[Time Skip- Around August of ?? ]

Ghost Denis Pov:

Its was been, I don't know long is was been it felt like a month after this all happened. Oh you wanna to know, what when down-? 





After meeting with my new friends. I have learn more about everyone.

Sabrina: She have no love for girl or guy

Timmeh: Have a dad and mom but lost them?

Russo and Dj: Dating? It's looks like.

Kreek and Tanqr: 100% date together?


After the snow days were almost gone, the judges did a battle with a blue hair kid- no wait its was a teen. For a holiday special. Besides that, I didn't see it all of it but Timmeh did film it all. Kreek and Tanqr was in a chair, and Tanqr was a gunpoint to Russo while Kreek was on his lap area-. Later (in two songs), a new person was appeared and it's was Flamingo?! Timmeh explained that, he was a murder but now he a famous killer. That's how they explained him. 



I was started to enjoying the new blooming of these flowers? Like, the colors and the shapes. Sabrina made me a pin of flowers! I was walking around the studio, Timmeh was in a bitter mood in one of  bathroom. I helped him, and he just talking about how his day about. I just listen him and give a flower. To help with his day.



I was hanging out with Sabrina in the hallway, until I heard some weird noises from a room? Russo and Dj came out, with sweat all over them? I was confuse along with Sabrina just was calm? Sabrina just say, they were working out together. I responded, that a new way for  doing it.



Birthday came over, everyone celebrate it. About me? I don't even remember it. But everyone else was. Even the young one, whos parents remember me, somehow? I was feeling some different inside of me, like flower starting to bloomed. 



The flowers were starting to turned like a sad like due to the coldness in the air. Kreek and Tanqr explained that I can stay over for one night since I helped Timmeh over the last 2 days, it felt like that? They went upstairs, and I was standing in the stairwell and my legs started to move around. 
Trophies everywhere, in their little cases. I notice there was a picture on the floor next to a small round table, with a flowers in vase?

I never though Tanqr would have a Narcissus flowers? I picked up the broken photo, and I saw that it was Tanqr and someone with him. The corner was ripped but I was knew it someone that's Tanqr know before?



I wanted to ask him, so I started to climb up stairs. Opening the door-Oh looks like they're busy. Both noticed me and I just smile a bit. I just gave them a hello wave.

Kreek: Again?!

Ghost Denis: Sorry, hehe oops.

Tanqr: It's fine, Denis. Besides, we have to tell him.

Ghost Denis: Tell me what?




Tanqr and Kreek: We're going on a date.

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