Chapter 15: Wholesome Date

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Credit to: @Cinderror for Thumbnail! (I love it, bestie <3)

Kreek Pov:

Yes, I'm going to try to date Tanqr, my old rival. But now, my date. Ghost Denis was overjoyed by this news. I was a little embarrassed, but nevertheless I was glad for this date. Tanqr was saying that we should tell this to the judges, but one of them (Sabrina). Apparently, I wasn't one who had this planned before. We heard a car engine, pulling up to the driveway. Following that, was a couple of knocks. Ghost Denis flyed downstairs and shouted that it was Sabrina?! Tanqr and I got downstairs and Sabrina had a look face that said "I knew it!"

Sabrina: I heard you too are going on a date~!

Tanqr: How did you- nevermind. Yes, we're going out

Kreek: Wait, what time is it?

Ghost Denis: 6:05 pm?

Kreek: Should we go-? I mean I'm ready for this.

Tanqr was shaky on his responses, just a little. Still, he was grabbing on my hip area. But, I knew he was ready for this date. I gave him a warm smile, while holding his hand. Ghost Denis and Sabrina agreed that we should go to the Rb Studio, but I forgot that Timmeh was sleeping in the other room..

Kreek: Okay, I need one of you guys to watch Timmeh while we're gone.

Ghost Denis: I'm in charge!

Tanqr: I- Sure.

Ghost Denis: Yay! *Laughing*

Kreek: *whispers* Sabrina you're in charge...

Sabrina: Yeah. Don't worry.

[Time skipped!]

Tanqr Pov:

After getting an uber, we just started to walk around the busy area of RoCity. I just kept holding Kreek's hand, while walking into the sea of people. I started to get hungry, even though we just arrived about 5 minutes ago, I didn't let it stop me from being on this date with my boyfriend- I mean my date choice. Kreek kept looking around the neon lights surrounded by different buildings. I did too but my mask didn't let me see it all. Kreek was getting hungry, and kept pulling my jacket. Cute, I thought but he was right.

We found a restaurant in the middle of a busy sidewalk. Happy Chicken, Kreek said. We entered the building, sat down on the table and waited for a waiter. I kept looking at Kreek's eyes, his blue blue-gray. Just the thought of looking at him, I can feel my whole body just healing up. The waiter appeared ,with the name tag, "Coco / Sunday ''.

Coco/ Sunday: Hello, and welcome to Happy Chicken. I'm your waiter for the night. You can call me, Sunday or Coco.

We placed an order for the both of us. We waited until the food arrived then Kreek did something, he started to sing a song, or a melody and started to sing along with him too.

{Play the audio!}

Wow, I just- It feels so good with Kreek. I just smile, warm like. Coco arrived with our food, and gave us a free cake? (You can imagine what cake it is.)

Coco: It's a free dessert, for the couples! Like you two.

Kreek was surprised but ate the cake. Wow, he has a sweet tooth. I chuckled a bit.
After eating at a restaurant. We spotted an arcade, something that the Judges would hangout at, maybe Sabrina place. We entered the building and there was a DDR, and let's just say I kept winning. Kreek was raging with me but I just laughed at him. Nearby was a claw machine, full with the ocean of stuffed animals. Kreek was trying to get one for Timmeh but failed thousands of times. Late on his last try, I looked over my phone-

10:24 pm

Huh. I spent almost 4 hours with my date. Which, I just kept on smiling for me and Kreek. I asked him if he was ready to go home. Kreek said yes and was a little upset about losing again. I grabbed Kreek's hand and we started walking back.

Kreek Pov (again!):

We started heading back to Tanqr's house, after our first date. I never acknowledge how much I really care and sweet Tanqr could be. Well, his other side. I was walking with him, holding my hand and starting to blush a bit. Then, Tanqr used his other hand and took off his mask. Still I have a smile on my face, but seeing his face. It caused my face to blush like a heating pad. "What's wrong~? Did my face cause you to blush hard~ " Tanqr said while smirking. I didn't respond to him, just trying to cover my face. The air was cool, due to the seasons changing. Leaves were hitting the ground, and stepping on them would make a crunching sound. I just didn't felt after Kayla-

Kayla . . .

Nearly, couple months after I fought with her. When, it was cheating on me.

Tanqr noticed my expression, let go of my hands and gave me a peek at my check. Huh?! I was surprised by what he just did a couple seconds ago. Tanqr just looks away, smirking. "I saw your face, judging by your thoughts. I helped you to forget your past relationship." At that moment, I have to respond with the same thing. I snatched Tanqr's hand, which unexpectedly caused him to trip, making it easier to kiss him better. I closed my eyes, and took in this moment, let it soak it up. I opened my eyes and Tanqr was a little fluttering about what I had done. "You know, You can give me a warning" He chuckled. "Yeah, yeah . ." I responded. Tanqr lifted up my chin and smirked.

"Mine turn."

My whole body just heats up from what Tanqr just said, but I didn't say no. Right now, he just went into it. I fully accepted him and he was the same too. I love him and he loves me back. "There," he said, smiling. " Now we're even."

"Oh- are you?"

That voice.


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