Chapter 11: Healing Another Way

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Tanqr Pov:

After dealing with Albert and heading to the Studio. Dj and Russo helped Kreek to walked in to the healing room, with Sabrina. I was worried but Russo explained that Kreek would be fine with Sabrina. Since, Sabrina sword (or power, I guess) have the a healing, and it's kinda obvious what's healing does.

Tanqr: So how you guys find us and bring your swords-?

Russo: Oh- its a long story but short it down. Dj and me were going to dating area with our girlfriends. But, Sabrina have a call about there's a fighting going on over in a alleyway. So, all of bring ours sword and when to the scene of the crime. 

Dj: We knew it's would be Albert, because we meet him before....

Dj said with a annoyed tone and Russo just patting his shoulder. That's cute, I thought.  Sabrina was walking slowly Kreek to me, she put Kreek body on my shoulder. His eyes were closed, so peacefully.

Sabrina: He should fine, I did the best and he should rest his legs for a couple of days before he can walk again.

I sighed. Thank god, it isn't something worst. Sabrina escorted me to the elevators and into a guest room. I thank her and put Kreek down into the bed. I closed the door just to be safe...

Kreek Pov:

I woke up from the healing from Sabrina and saw Tanqr was near a door? I tried to get up but the thigh area was still in pain. "Ow, fuck." I said. Tanqr heard me and get closer to me. 

Tanqr: Oh looks like someone is awake~

(Smutty Part!)

Tanqr was rubbing my thigh area, but the area was neared my wounded around. "Ow! Fuck!" I shouted. Tanqr was chucked at my sore. I didn't laugh just getting heat on my face from it. "Maybe, this can change your mind-" His take off his mask and pin me down in to the bed. He's was laughing and started to kissing on my neck area. I started to moan a bit, his kiss was hard? I getting a bit red, but let moan it out. Why? His doing this now?! Tanqr was now on top of me. I'm the bottom. He was still going that it, then it's mine turn. I wrapped his neck and started to kiss him. It felt so good, with him. But obviously, he grabbed my hip area, rubbing it like a cat and I moaned. He kept smiling by it and said, "You're very sensitive, eh- Forrest?" I just nod at it. 

I'm such a bottom. 

Timmeh Pov (???):

I heawd that Krewft Crewft was hurted! Thankwfully, Chizeled take me to the Studio, with my firwed pan! I sneaked the back arewa. And I saw two of the judwges, um- kissing eawch otwher? It's Blue and Green guwys!

I went arounwd thewm snice they were buswy ... I went to the elewvator and when I reawch the firwst floor, I saw the Puwple one! They just stawnding thewre on a randwom doowr? I was puzzwle, the purwple onwe face was bleewd!

Sabrina: Oh! Timmeh, I didn't see you *chucked*

Timmeh: What happwened youw're nose?

Sabrina: You won't get it.

Timmeh: What's thawt noiswe?

Sabrina: Um, Kreek is practicing with Tanqr!

Timmeh: Reawlly can I see it!

Sabrina: No! They need all their focus!

Timmeh: Oh otay!


Bloopers! (W/ Friends)

Cinder: *rocking back and forth * ROSE! YOU DIDN'T MAKE ANOTHOR ONE!

Coco: I think I need more tissues. *nosebleeding*

Sen: I think we add vodka to the list! And good job with adding Russo and Dj fucking each other-

Cyber: *facepalming* Rose!-


Rose: I just to running to the store and thanks Sen

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