Chapter 13: Old Returner

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Sabrina POV:

I have Camera  Watch duty. Again, great! When Russo or Dj will do it?  When I arriving to the Security Room, I sat down on the chair and beginning to observing the different areas from the bird eye view. Ever since, when He shows up during our interview with two of our Battlers.  All of agreed to upgrade our security better so each night, one of us have to attending the camera now, before anymore people just like the Famous Robloxian Killer Farmer.

I was looking at Basement camera and- Timmeh?! What's he doing in the basement area? Calm down, Sabrina. Maybe he just looking for a bathroom since it 12 am and little kids so-. I kept switching the cameras, to spying on Russo and Dj but keeping a eye of Timmeh before that kid doing like any trouble.  After three minutes, I was bored at of my mind, and checking Timmeh. Now, he was standing in the flicking light, looking at the ground? I was going to down there check but I didn't, I sure Timmeh would get back to his room-?

It been 5 minutes and I'm not seeing him on the video. Okay now time to panic, Sabrina. Then out of nowhere, the light in the video starting to flickering a like a morse code? I'm betting Kreek would have solve it. Then Timmeh was running out the darkness with a scare look- or something I can't tell! Damn it!

Then I feel something off. Like a something was watching me and I have to hide. So I did. I quickly duck under the desk, cover my mouth proving the hearing of my heavy breathing. Then-

A Ghost Appeared.

It look like-






My mind was starting to questioning, mostly was fulling up my mind: How did he come back-? He around the area, look confuse yet heartbroken? It was gloomy and looking for a friend. And I'm the only one in the scene. Was I really wanted to make friends with a ghost? No more like, meeting back a old friend.

Ghost Denis: Sarbina? Are you here?

Sabrina: Yes, I'm under here!

Ghost Denis: See kid? I told you someone remember me!

Sabrina: Denis? It is really you?

Denis explained that before he died from-  taking the blade out on him. His soul was nab into the flower vase and we didn't know after we taken from his old place and putting in with the rest of falling fellow Robloxains. I was rather like listening to Ghost story. I should tell Russo and Dj. Oh and Tanqr and Kreek, along with Timmeh-. I tell Ghost Denis to wait the camera room while I getting everyone to meet up.

The last place for Russo and Dj to hang out is near one back entrance area. I was taking the elevator to the back entrance. Reaching the back hallway, I saw Russo and Dj-

Fucking each other?!

I swear to god, I was standing there just watching them. Russo was grabbing Dj's legs while pinning Dj to a wall. Both were French kiss, but using more of the tongue. I swear I felt like I have nose bleeding. 

Both of them saw me and well- Let just said it like a Cat and Mouse Game, but Russo was carrying Dj on his back.

[Time Skip! All of them meet Ghost Denis]

Kreek: So, how did you escape from your vase?

Ghost Denis: From your kid!

Tanqr: What you mean "your" kid-?

Kreek: Oh Timmeh!

Timmeh: It was a miswtakwe!

Tanqr: Come on Kreek, he just a kid.

Kreek: I know but I just wanted him not going the basement area!

Tanqr: Come here~

*Tanqr and Kreek hugging each other*

Ghost Denis: You two are married?

Both: WHAT?!

Russo: No~ but me and Dj are-

Ghost Denis: What?

Sabrina: Things have change since you have been gone. *chuckling*

Timmeh: Yewah!

Ghost Denis: *whispers* I think those two are made for each other- (talking about Tanqr and Kreek)



Sorry for the delays bc of School (high school) and motivation :')


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