Chapter 4 - POV

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Mmm muscles...

You stare at Jinwoo fighting the spider, nearly dying, and then suddenly speeding up. Ah it's so much better to be watching this in person. 

"Oh yeah by the way he isn't a false ranker," You shrug nonchalantly. "Popcorn?"

Jinho stares in horror.

First, the e-rank male fights a spider, second, the friend that tagged along who's also an e-rank summoned a wall basically turning them invisible against the boss?? What's going on is he going to die too????

As the spider falls to the ground, you stare at the shaking figure next to you.

"Deactivate" You mumble. 

"So sir-"

"Jinwoo! You've improved so much!" You tackle him into a hug.

His cheeks flush red, and you smack his back. 

"You're growing up!!" You grin. "But the poor man over there thinks we're false rankers."


"I summoned the wall remember? The monster couldn't even see us."

"Oh true," He stares at the male. "ah..."

"Don't worry we won't kill you!" You sing. "If anything those lizards are the ones who are going to pass away-"

"Y/n." He stares at you. "You're missing the subject."

"Ok ok so to start off we aren't false rankers..." You stare at him. "We're also not psychopaths so rest assured you're not going to pass away-"

Just as you finish that sentence, the wall that separated the two opened again.

don't punch someone don't punch someone don't punch-

"Huh, they're still alive," Dongsuk stares at us. "Is the boss dead?"

You're about to be too-

As the group goes into confusion, Dongsuk speaks up.

"Yoo Jinho! I searched you up because your equipment was flashy and you turned out to be the son of someone great..."

You watch as they try to win Jinho over.

"...Kill Sung Jinwoo and his little friend." The man finishes.

The grin on Y/n's face stretches a little wider and they reach for something in their inventory.

Jinwoo steps away when he feels the bloodlust from you.

"You can... choose to forget everything that happened here... or you can..." You pull out a nice long sword, and you hold it up to his neck. "Die by my sword... Hm? And don't go crying about that traitor of a brother you have. It's not like he'll be able to kill us."


"Void." The light in the cave disappears, and Jinwoo sees you in action for the first time. "Stealth."

As your knife slices off the first head, a notification pops up in front of Jinwoo and you.

[Emergency quest: Kill the enemies]

[Enemies remaining: 7]

"Ah... wanna split half and half?" Your voice is aimed toward Jinwoo. "Or even better! We can..."

A person wraps an arm around Jinwoo, and he cuts his head off in a clean-cut like yours.

"One." Jinwoo's eyes glow, and you beam.

If only I could take a screenshot of how beautiful Jinwoo looked right now... wait I can-

"Polaroid." You whisper and a new photo shows up in your inventory. AAAAAH HE'S SO HOT MWAH MWAH MWAH-

You beam at the photo in your inventory before your blade cuts off another head. "Third."

Your body leaves the game, and you get to admire the scene as a reader.

"Your magic is annoying," Jinwoo eliminates the mage, and you place both of your hands on your face in admiration.

Aah... how hot...

As he destroys the monsters you finally get to hear the line you've been waiting for.

"Leader Hwang Dongsuk, you're strong." Jinwoo grabs the man by the face and slams him backward. "But there's one thing you don't know... I'm always leveling up ceaselessly."

EEK!! Jinwoo's hot while killing as usual...

"First." You beam. "Jinwoo~ Did you get the final one?" 

Hwang Dongsuk coughs, and you turn to stare at the man. "Ah he's still alive..."

Jinwoo stands over him, and you lean on your sword.

"W-wait don't kill me! Spare me! I-I'll give you money!" The man tries to get on his feet. "You can have all the mana crystals here and the magic crystals too!"

"Hm... still thinking with that pea-sized brain of yours huh?" You grin at the man.

"Three times." Jinwoo's eyes glow and you sigh adoringly. "Are you asking for forgiveness from someone you tried to kill three times?"

"S-stop it! You... do you think you'll get away with this?"

"Didn't you say that... no one knows what happens in a dungeon?" Jinwoo glares.



His head flies up from your blade. 

"Damn I already told you your little brother won't be able to take two S-ranks tsk tsk," You roll your eyes. "Ah... my clothes are all sticky."

Jinwoo turns to look at Jinho, and the dungeon rumbles.

"The boss was defeated, the dungeon is closing. Let's leave quickly," Jinwoo speaks up.

Once you wash up, you stare at the new photo in your gallery. That manhwa panel... finally without the words... being in person was such a wonderful experience... but nearly dying every other day from raids is not. It's not.

Once you all make your way out, Jinwoo turns to you. "Do... you want fried chicken and beer?"

"..." You turn to stare at him. "I'm covered in blood I'm going to scar your sister for life on accident."







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