Chapter 8 - Fragment

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Alright what the hell did my job get changed to...

[Y/n L/n]

[Revival Fragment Vessel]


[Special Audit: Player 1 will enter C-rank dungeon. Watch? Join in for 500 coins]

[Accept     Decline]

You pull out your phone and text Jinwoo.

Y/n sent


Jinwoo sent

Up to you

You stare at your coin balance before shrugging. "Accept. Join, 500 coins."

Your body pixelates, and you find yourself in the construction site.

Speaking of which, Dongsoo is visiting around this time... Now I really wished I stayed outside to kick his ass...

"ah little one!" You beam at the sight of the young teenage girl.

"Y/n L/n," 

"Chief Sangmin," You smile. 

"I was surprised to receive a call from Hunter Sung Jinwoo and wanted to experience a new recruit's training session." the man smiles. "Since it was a request from none other than Hunter Sung Jinwoo, I've accepted it without hesitation."

Haha... still not joining your guild </3

The man continues with his explanations before a hunter cuts him off.

"It's already past 9 o'clock, let's stop the chatter and get started." Another voice speaks up.

What was his name again? I just remember him as Iron...

"We're not here for a picnic."

You stare at him, and blink. He's... a lot less tall than you remember.

"Who is he?" Jinwoo asks.

"He's out new A-rank recruit, but he seemed offended after hearing that I have accepted your request. Saying that a dungeon isn't a place for fooling around."


"His name is Kim-chul and you can see, he's a tank." He speaks.

And the rest your brain just tunes out. 1 A-rank, 7 B-ranks, 4 C-ranks and plus you, Jinwoo and the girl, 3 E-ranks.

"Since the raid will become too easy if Hunter Sung Jinwoo and Y/n L/n participates, please just watch from the sidelines."

"Aren't you two coming?" The girl calls.

"After you." 

"Chief Ahn, have your phone handy. The gate feels like a red one." You warn before following both of them in. Sure enough, after your words, the gate swirls into crimson.

"CHIEF AHN! CALL THE MAIN ATTACK FORCE IMMEDIATELY!!" Jinwoo screams, fighting the portal for a brief second.

Once in, you check your new powers.

"Wall." As arrows fly towards the group as written, you summon a wall to catch them all. You still end up losing someone on accident though.

I suppose that person was meant to die anyway.



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