Chapter 29 - The conference

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You wake up the next day with no problems thanks to the system.

You had breakfast with Jinwoo.

Despite the fact that you were presenting to all the top guilds in the world, you were more worried about you and Jinwoo's relationship status.

"So..." You stare at him.

"Ah I forgot to ask you out," Jinwoo stabs his breakfast. "Go out with me?"

"OK OK BECAUSE YOU HAD NO RIGHT RAILING ME AND THEN NOT ASKING ME OUT LIKE THAT-" You stab your toast, and bite down on it. "But yes. Of course."

Being selfish couldn't hurt

You leave early for the presentation, and Jinwoo heads there in another car.

"Hunter Y/n!" The director welcomes you. "You're giving the presentation?"

"Yeah," You plug in the USB, and the charts of the information from your professor pop up on screen.

"Welcome fellow hunters," You smile. "I am Doctor Belzer's student, and I'll be explaining what the conference this year is about."

You turn around, and the graph changes. "I'm sure that you are all aware that the number of gates that are generating has suddenly shot up, and that stronger monsters have begun to appear."

"However, most of you may have neglected the unusual activity detected above the skies." You turn around, and turn to the next slide. "it's been widely reported that the magical energy concentration in the atmosphere is increasing, but I want to show us something that was different."

You smile. "Let's refer to it as the magisphere. As you can visibly see, the magisphere has been gathering over the skies of several countries. After observation from the scientists, and out of all the magisphere concentrations, Seoul, South Korea is highly concentrated."

You smirk at Jinwoo. " There's no need to look at Hunter Sung like that."

"If he's the one herding around the magisphere, then he's well past the realm of a hunter after all."

Jinwoo stares at the screen. You noticed it too. 9 places, nine sovereigns.

"Making a bold assumption, this may have to do with what we call monarchs. Underneath the national level hunter, and occasionally above, there are a tier of... monsters, but also hunters. We refer to them as monarchs." You smile. "This ties in with the next thing we are discussing today."

You turn off the slides, and you stare at all the hunters gathered.

"With a heavy heart, I deliver to you all this news. Around two weeks ago, National Level Hunter Christopher Reid was assassinated by a group of unidentified assailants."

The people break into confusion, and they all question if it's Jinwoo. You clap your hands.

"I assure you, it was not Hunter Sung." You stare at everyone with a smile. "Rather, we have one identified assailant."

You pull up the photo and smile. "Suspect I. Which just so happens to be a monarch."

Everyone mumbles amongst themselves, and you smile. "Monarchs are in essence, the darkness when the world was first created. They come from darkness, and from what we would call 'god'. The absolute being had split the light into the rulers, and the dark into the monarchs. To put it simply, Monarchs are the natural enemy of the Rulers, or national level hunters as we know them as humans."

You pull up another photo. The monarch of giants.

"This is what was found in that awful portal that terrorized Japan a couple days back." You note. 

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