Chapter 14 - iced coffee... lactose intolerance...

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"First, I would like to congratulate you both two on becoming an S-rank hunter." He smiles. "To tell you both the truth, the re-examination is meaningless. A precise detector is to help us segment the results. It's not a tool to help us measure outside the scoping range. Even if it was possible for us to measure the past and the current range, it would still be impossible to distinguish between a S-rank, SS-rank, or SSS-rank."

"Then why..."

"It's to buy time," You suck the last drop of coffee out of the cup. "So that they can meet with us S-ranks before anyone else can. You know? Woo Jinchul is amongst the top of the A-ranks, yet he isn't known by anyone. People who join the association are promised something that isn't money, they're promised stability."

Jinwoo stares at you. "How... do you know this?"

You kick your legs over his, and you wrap your arms around his neck. His ears are bright red from embarrassment.

"I have some explaining to do." You grin. "Okay love?"

If Jinwoo wasn't red enough before, he's become a tomato at this point.


Oh that sigh was hot-

"Alright," Jinwoo smiles, and he wraps an arm around your waist.

Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit HE HAS AN ARM AROUND MY WAIST YALL I THINK IM GOING TO PASS OUT-

"Ah also, they help you flourish differently," You smile.

"This country is currently not being run by the government, but rather the hunters who protect the citizens from monsters." The chairman continues speaking with a small smile on his face. Ah... young love... "And the ones above them are the Hunter association. We'll help you stand shoulder to shoulder with us."

"Why are you offering this to me...?" Jinwoo raises a brow.

"Are you aware of the top 5 guilds?"

"If you join any of them as a hunter then the borderline crumbling balance is going to topple over." You smile. "The government isn't strong enough to put a leash around our necks, and that's why the association exists. Jinchul can I have another cup-"

Jinwoo ponders over it, and you kick your legs back into a regular sitting position.

"I'm sorry." Jinwoo speaks up finally. You choke on your new cup of coffee, and the man beside you pats your back to help you swallow. "I want to fight."

You choke again.


"Do you mean... you want to fight with monsters?"

"Yes." Jinwoo nods. "I believe the place I need to be is inside the dungeon."

The old man and Jinwoo talk a bit more, and Jinchul pulls you to the side to discuss something else.

"About the man..."

"Alright, what did the association want in exchange?" You bite down on the ice.

"The chairman will tell you."

You shrug, and as Jinwoo reaches to drag you back to the room with him, you're called.

"Miss Y/n."

"Yes gramps?"

"Please stay for a moment."

A mischievous thought pops into your mind, and you hold Jinwoo's wrist up to your mouth and place a small kiss on the inside of his wrist.

He's going to kill me later. I hope he rails me as punishment-

Jinwoo turns bright red again and lets out a shaky sigh.

"... Alright, meet me back at mother's room..." Jinwoo makes his way out, his composure slightly struck.

Once he disappears down the hall, you stretch on the sofa.

"Gramps! What did you want as payment?"

"Convince Jinwoo to not join a guild." The chairman stares at you.

"Yeah yeah," You grin. "As long as I don't join a guild, he won't join one. If anything, I can see him starting his own guild."

The old man stares at you before chuckling in understanding.

"I understand why you wanted to save his father."

"Oh please gramps," You yawn. "I grew up with him, he's more important to me than you think. Even if I wasn't... EHEM... I still would've saved his dad."

"How did you know he was going to come out of a dungeon though?"

You stare at him.

"A trade secret"

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