Chapter 12 - Change of identity

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"Alright so," You walk through the street. "I'm glad they gave you a change of clothes, but we're still going to give you a haircut beforehand."

Someone at the gate catches you off guard.


Wtf is Jinwoo doing here-

"A-aCK" Jinwoo tackles you into a hug and you pat him on the back awkwardly. "W... what are you doing at the airport?"

You stare at the association's people and motion for them to hide. You would feel terrible if Jinwoo found out that you were forced to get an evaluation after you awakened. Usually they weren't forced, but having main character privileges, you wiped out a dungeon break at your school and was forced into an evaluation. Luckily, the chairman was kind enough to give you an alias and alternate identity until you were comfortable with using your real one.

"I came to pick you up after hearing that you were bringing my dad back."


Jinwoo pulls on your cheek and smiles. "I would've come even if you had been alone."

"Smooth talker," You grumble. "This is your dad. Mr. Sung, this is your son, Jinwoo,"

You realize that Sung Il-Hwan has been standing there without saying anything.

"Is something-"

They're hugging. Are they crying? Wait nevermind they're just... emotional I guess

I can't believe I get to witness a fragment have a child who's the vessel of Ashy.

Neither can I bestie.

The two of them carry into a conversation, and you check your phone.

"What's up?" someone's calling.

"Did you get back safely? More so, did you slap Hwang Dongsoo in the face?"

"Always straight to the point," You laugh. "Yes I did. If I didn't then he would've fought another man whose power is of a national-level hunter. That would've been a catastrophe."

"How do you know?"

"..." You stare at the father and son talking. "Hunter's instinct. His power could rival Thomas Andre's."

Jinchul doesn't speak for a while, and then he sighs. "Get re-evaluated with your real identity this time. Then you'll have more power in society. We don't want you dying."

"Alright alright," You laugh. "I'll see you in a bit."

"a bit-?"

"Bye!" You hang up. "Shall we go? I need to drop by your mother's hospital room to revive her."

Jinwoo stares at you.

"Ah wait," You click on something. "Your father and I need to report to the hunter's association first."

"I can go with." Jinwoo stares at you. "I wanted to get re-revaluated with you today."

"Ah," You smile. "Alright. Did you bring a car?"

"We can rent one"

"No need." You walk off to a black van, and Jinwoo stares at you as if you've gone insane. "Chaeyong!! Ah... you're not Chaeyong."

The man driving the car stares at you.

"Wait nevermind you are. GET OUT OF YOUR DISGUISE YOU A-RANK-!" You pull the wig off and the girl whines.


"Stay mad," You grin. "Alright let's go. Chaeyong drives for the hunter's association. She's an A-rank and really strong, so she's usually in charge of driving around S-ranks. Ah yes, this one's getting re-evaluated, that one's the man from the states, and I'm updating my name."

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