Pilot Chapter (pt.2??)

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I was clearing out my notes app and then I found this whole ass pilot Solo Leveling fic so I was like hey I might as well share it with yall ig (Don't ask me what's going on bc idk either)


Sung Jinwoo is incredibly lonely.

His mother is sick, he has to provide for a sister, and his father disappeared on him years ago.

Sung Jinwoo was incredibly lonely.

Until he met her.

A brilliant light. Someone who saw the screens just as much as he did.

They didn't even meet normally.

"Oh there's another one in the double dungeon?" It's a girl's voice. "Hi~"

Jinwoo is met with the sight of a girl wandering through the double gates. Black hair, black eyes, the most basic of basic looks.

Jinwoo doesn't speak.

[Notification: Player 1 has met Player 2]

[Quest: Talk to the other player]

"OH YOU'RE ANOTHER PLAYER?" The girl stops walking at the notification, and she checks the man out. "Ah no wonder you're an S rank Jinwoo sunbaenim. You're also a player."

"Who... are you?"

This time it's a cheeky grin. "Y/n L/n! Nice to meet you player 1!"

"What..." Jinwoo is confused. As far as he was aware, there was no other S-rank that rivaled his ability. "Whose vessel are you?"

"The white light monarch," she spins. "You know? The one that you killed as the shadow monarch?"

Jinwoo was one step too late when it came to meeting the architect. Apparently the girl had been the first to meet it, and when she woke up, she was also given a screen.

"Jinwoo-ah," She clicks on her screen, and stares at him. "You came with a key as well right?"

"...yes." He stares at her, and then turns to look at the statue.

"And you can summon shadows?"

"They're more like puppets, but yes."

"I see," The girl mumbles. "Anyway I heard you're single! Wanna spill the tea about the other monarchs as we beat the crap out of this guy-?"

The gates close behind them, and the architect starts speaking.

"Welcome..." The girl sighs, and she grabs an arrow from her inventory.

"You know for a stone statue, you speak a little bit too much," The girl is out of Jinwoo's sight before he can realize what's going on, and before he can react, the architect's face is half revealed.

"Damn I really thought I could get the whole god awful mask off of his disgusting face," The grimaces. "Jinwoo-sunbae what are you waiting for? Aren't you here for answers?"

Jinwoo sighs as he reaches to summon his shadows, but a system error pops up.

[System error: Unable to summon shadows]

Jinwoo pauses, and dodges an attack.

"Do you need a weapon?"

"No need," Jinwoo pulls out his daggers, and starts helping.

The architect throws them both into a trance before the other S-ranks make it there.

"Someone has to wake Sung Jinwoo up! He's the only hope!"

They both see the same flashback this time.

"I... kill me and then make me a puppet." They cry. "I don't want to see my soldiers fighting this pointless battle anymore!"

The white light monarch is on their knees before the shadow monarch.

"I told you. I can't do that my love."


"I-I don't want to see my soldiers die anymore!"

"My love..."

[System error: unable to continue playing]

The girl wakes from her trance first, and she finds that there's people in danger. She jumps toward the architect.

"EYO THIS SPEED KINDA SPICY-" The girl lands a second hit on the architect, and knocks him over. "JINWOO SUNBAE YOU PROBABLY WANNA WAKE UP BEFORE I HAVE ALL THE FUN-"

The girl moves like the wind, and she's unable to be detected.

Jinwoo wakes up after, and he finds that he's entertained as well.

"You really weren't lying,"

The two continue to land hits, and when the architect finally falls and dies, the girl lies down on the ground.

"Dude that was so hot," She sighs.

[Quest completed: click to obtain rewards]

She's barely able to lift her arm.

Jinwoo pants, and he stares at the girl.

"Jinwoo! Are you alright? Who's the girl?"

"Hi nice to meet you I don't have a passport." The girl grins. "Sorry let me catch my breath real quick, I'm not as much of a monster as Jinwoo when it comes to stamina."

Jinwoo stares at you, and you stare at him. "Hi I'm Y/n L/n. I'm not tested, and I'm not ranked. I don't have a passport either, and... I'm not sure what else to say."

"Hunter Cha." The woman smiles.

She jumps up and shakes her hand. "A pleasure to meet you Sunbae!"


Jinwoo is pierced from both sides, and the last thing he sees is your horror struck face brimming with tears.

Jinwoo wakes up, in a hospital bed, and gasps for air. Where was he? He just fought the other two monarchs.

Where was she? He needed to find the girl.

He completes all the other quests, but he's desperately clawing, and he can't seem to find her.

[Would you like to restart the world?]

"Would you like to see her?"

Another bright light.

The woman stares at Jinwoo's pierced body.

"You..." The woman turns around, her eyes now red, and her hair floating slightly. "You coward!"

She sends a wave of electricity off of her body, and everyone in the vicinity is paralyzed. The other two monarchs pulse, and she pulls a sword out.

"You're such a disgrace to us all," A clean slice, a fallen head. Another instant kill.

"And you," She whips her head at the beast monarch. She snaps her fingers, and he's instantly shot through with lightning. His lifeless corpse falls to the ground, and she breaks through the ice to stare at Jinwoo's body.

"Woo... Woo... JINWOO-" She sobs into his lifeless body. Another man shows up, and he stares at you hugging Jinwoo's lifeless body. "Woo... you promised me... that... ARGH YOU LIAR!"

"Wait... wait for me," She glows, and her body disappears.

Jinwoo stares in horror, and the monarch shakes his head.

"She's still alive, so continue with what you used to, and meet her where you were meant to."

They meet again, except this time, Jinwoo hugs her.

"Y/n... Y/n, Y/n, Y/n..." He cries into her shoulder, and she has no idea what's going on. "This time, I'm not letting go."

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