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Where am I? Kurama thought, walking on a beach with a glowing light blue sea. Is this death? It’s oddly peaceful. Kurama let out a sigh, continuing down the beach before stopping and looking up at the sky. He saw the world within the night sky.

“So big… Is that where Naruto-nii is at?” Kurama sighed, feeling the smile on his face. “I actually feel quite small seeing it from here. I hope Naruto-nii is alright. I kind of miss him already.” Kurama chuckled before noticing a slight blue film before it breaking and seeing what looked to be glowing bits of broken glass floating up.

“Something… is missing.” Kurama said, blinking before feeling his body getting lighter. “Huh? What is going on?”Kurama asked before looking up and his vision turning white.

Where am I?... And what was I dreaming? Kurama thought, finding his vision filled with black.

“Shiroe been worry sick about Naruto.” Kurama ears twitched, hearing a voice. “But, then again, their peas from the same pod. They are both villainous closet perverts who wear glasses.”

“Even I can’t answer that. At best, we guess this is more of the changes Naruto mentioned in the alliance meeting.”

Who's talking? And why is it so dark? Kurama thought, deciding to try and move. Huh? Why do my arms and legs feel so weird? Don’t tell me I was resealed into someone else! Kurama thought, tears forming in his eyes at the thought. I don’t want to be sealed again.

“Ow… How long I been sleeping next to Boss?” Kurama froze, hearing a voice right next to him.

“Just for a few hours. Huh? Were you working while watching over him?”

“No, why do you asked?”

“Would you all shut up?… My head is killing me.” Kurama’s eyes lit up with hearing a familiar voice, though it was very soft.

Naruto-nii! But why is his voice so squeaky? Kurama thought, trying to locate the voice.

“Boss, you’re awake. How are you feeling?”

“Alright other than my head hurts-Wait, who is speaking in a scratchy chibi voice?... Crap. It’s me, right?”

“Yeah. It’s you, Mini-troll. But, cool you got your voice back, though… Your body is...” Kurama heard someone snickering.

“Lovely, just lovely. Didn’t just have to change my race, but had to change my body, too.” Naruto said as Kurama managed to get where Naruto was situation in the darkness. “Anyone else got it?”

“Sasuke gotten a little shorter and has horns like you, but still normal compared to your change. Everyone else who passed out just had minor changes.”

“I see. So I guess this world thought it would be a great idea to be an ass just to Sasuke and me.”Naruto sighed, “Not that I can really go against it with what’s it's trying to fix. Hm? What’s the lump in my bed? My clothes?” Kurama noticed movement and realized the darkness was caused by something on top of him.

That means, Kurama got onto his paws, “Naruto-nii!” Kurama launched right where he heard Naruto’s voice and collided with something.

“What the hell?! It’s a blank attack festival!” Kurama found himself trapped within some kind of flexible object, trying his best to escape while hearing panicked shouting.

“What the hell is this? Get it off!” Kurama was blinded by light when the object that had captured him finally let him go. “K-Kurama?” Kurama blinked, his eyes adjusting to his surroundings. “No way, Kurama, is that you?”

Log Horizon: Alien Chronicles Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now