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Authornote-Snicker snicker. Sorry. This is one chapter I been waiting to post. It involves something mentioned in the light novel, but I am amazed the anime never went into it. Especially considering it is the reason everyone in the Database has swimwear. It would have been good for comedy if used, though. However, hope you all enjoy this chapter!

“Thank you for your purchase, come again.” Shikamaru said, keeping a smile on her face till the customer left the small stall area. “Whew, troublesome.” Shikamaru groaned, slumping back in a chair behind the counter.

“Shikamaru-chan, if Naruto-kun catches you like that, then you might find it worse than troublesome.” Itachi&Kisame hummed while tidying the small shop area up. Shikamaru instantly sat up straight with horror on her face.

“Don’t remind me. He’s worse than my mother.” Shikamaru said, a smile twitching on her lips. If I ever get to see my parents again, never complaining to them again. “Where’s Sasuke and the others? Aren’t they suppose to help out as well? I mean, we been having very steady traffic since opening up the market.

“They are working on the supply chain with West Wind Brigade today due to they have no idea how things are going to get.” Itachi&Kisame said smiling at Shikamaru. "Crescent Burger is our main focus for the first few days."

Crescent Burger is our main stable for the plans Shiroe and Naruto cooked up. Serving food with flavor will be definitely a sellout. On the flipside, we are selling items hard to get. Higher quality as well as items no one else has, so we been doing pretty good on this end as well. Add the fact we have the supplies taken care of, both businesses are self-sufficient and able to adjust to demands. Shikamaru sighed, “A brilliant plan I would be too lazy to execute.”

[Stop slacking, Slow-mo, I rather not lose a potential customer to your laziness.] Shikamaru jumped back into position with seeing Naruto’s textbox. She looked around before sweating, finding Naruto putting a huge upper part of armor onto a stand to replace one they sold, though forced to use a stool to do so. [If I find one error on your invoices, you will regret it.]

“You do realize I am technically human, right?” Shikamaru said, checking the status menu. “Anyways, what happened to you. You’re status are more like Itachi&Kisame-san’s now. Even Sasuke’s status went up with fainting yesterday, though it’s nothing compared to what you had before.” Shikamaru said, seeing Naruto’s HP and MP were 7630 in HP and 12170 in MP, pre-Elder Tales levels as the druid said the numbers were. But, I don’t get how HP and MP that high was able to drop back to this much.

[No clue. Just still trying to figure out why I went chibi. Though, I am perfectly fine with my HP and MP where they are.] Naruto let out a sigh, putting the helm on the dummy stand. [However, it was only Sasuke and I with major changes. Rin and Gaara just had a race change. Though, thankfully, Sasuke only got tiny bit shorter compared to chibi like me.]

“Maybe it is due to your subclass.” Shikamaru said, deciding to look over her invoices. “The Otherworldly Sage sounds something alien, which would explain the odd horns Sasuke and you have.” Shikamaru sighed before seeing Itachi&Kisame and Naruto looking at her in shock. “What? Sasuke is still an apprentice, but he has added to it The Otherworldly Sage to make The Otherworldly Sage’s Apprentice. What’s that about anyway?”

[Heh. Now it makes sense.] Naruto chuckled, his finger in the air to check his menus. [The Otherworldly Sage of the Noosphere - A title for one who has travelled through time and space, gaining knowledge and skills as the waves of times passed. Due to his own meddling with taboo affairs, he is cursed with several afflictions.]

“So, the strikes weren’t so much taken off, but were transformed into your new title?” Itachi&Kisame asked, “But how are you able to craft still? Don’t you lose all your subclass EXP when changing it, even forcibly in this case.”

Log Horizon: Alien Chronicles Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now