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Authornote: Well, this is the last chapter for the week-long update. Next week, Alien Chronicles returns to it's weekly update schedule. Hope you all have a Happy New Year as next chapter is Jan. 2. Auto out!

I hope this guy know what he is doing. Naruko thought as they walked out of the city. Just as the mage Shiroe predicted, ten people had cut off their retreat route back to the city. All shadowing them from behind as they kept on moving forward. Naruko moved closer to Serara to help the young girl with the intense murderous intent in the air.

If only this was not my body now. Naruko put her hand on the girl's shoulder, stopping her from trembling. It did not help that each step the group made away from the city, Brigandia's men closed in a little more and began to encircle the group. I would love to rip these guys to shreds... For once I agree. Naruko sighed, putting her hands on her own weapon, an oddly bandaged tome, as they were completely encircled. She was fighting her own fear down with each step. This is the worst situation possible. If I draw attention away from Serara… Yeah. Use a Earth jutsu to block their path and she could escape. Naruko thought, studying the surroundings and making plans within her mind.

"Here should be fine." Naruko looked at Shiroe who spoke quite slightly. That is, before he raised his voice. "Which of you is... Er, Demi-glace?"

Is this guy suicidal? Naruko thought, just as shocked at the men surrounding them. An open challenge AND insulting the bad guy? How are we going to escape when you put the guy in a berserk fury?... Even I would not have the balls to do that...Naruto-kun? Naruko looked at Las Boss who was smirking. She could literally feel the excitement coming off the child turned man.

"Now, Shiroe-chi, asking something so loudly is quite rude, nya." Nyanta said, pointing towards the leader. "I know the one that is him! He is the excessively huge man over yonder there, nya. Hey, Demikas!" Naruko watched as the huge man appeared, a Monk from what people called him.

But, that is no monk. At least even the zombie priest had some religions morals, even with being twisted into a killing machine. Naruko thought, remembering the various monks of the world she knew. He's as big as my old body... Indeed. He is quite fierce like me, but at least I have manners.

"So, you're the flies that have been bothering... Lassy," Demikas looked at Las Boss. A bit of fear on the man's face to Naruko's own shock.

So, that's the plan. Naruko looked at Las Boss. Shiroe-san knew these guys were afraid of Naruto-kun for no reason… Yes! With him, we-

"Ah! This will indeed be a good show!" Las Boss had a sick chime to his voice. "Don't mind me, Demikas. I am here to watch the show. Nothing more nothing less,” Las Boss smiled, looking straight at Demikas. “Well, unless you bring out more guild members. Then I can have a bit of fun at slaughter while also watching this show to add to my own enjoyment."

"Is that right?" Demikas asked, getting back the courage in his voice quickly.

"In fact, to prove it. Shiroe, can we trade weapons. I think your itty bitty staff won't do much good, so this will be all the help you get from me."

"Never expected any from you to begin with." Naruko was unable to keep her jaw from dropping. She watched as Las Boss pulled out a whip like object before spinning it and it became a spear. Shiroe had a staff appear from his cape. They threw the two weapons at the other and caught the others' weapon. "I am shock you are even trading weapons with me. There is a possibility I will lose this battle and lose it."

"Nah. One of the toys I am after will easily replace that old weapon of mine. Plus, your staff is alright for payment if you do die. I just want to see bloodshed and action!" Las Boss walked out of the circle, the men giving way to the man. He took the traveling chest off his back and sat on it like a seat. He then leaned against the staff, his arms covering the top of it as he relaxed with a grin of delight."The brute of a villain versus a villain becoming a wanna-be hero. Now this is an event I would usually pay to see, but I am getting to see it for free!”

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