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Everything is such a mess. Sarutobi Hiruzen let out a sigh, signing paperwork on his desk. Money changing from paper to gold. Monsters appears and animals changing to new forms. It’s getting to the point nothing gets under my skin anymore.

“Stop distracting me by standing behind me!”

“S-Sorry! I-I didn’t mean to-!”

“Stop listening to his excuses... Why are you frighten, too, Itama?”

“H-He’s scary when mad…”

“Whose scary?”

“Noone. My brother and you are just obnoxious."

“Nani! How am I obnoxious?”

“WILL YOU ALL STOP YOUR BICKERING!” Hiruzen roared, making the four children who were reading before his desk flinch, frozen in fear when he slammed his hands on the desk while standing up. All of them looking at him with shock and confusion. “Sorry. But, can you please not shout in my office.” Hiruzen sighed, putting his hand to his forehead. “Hm? Where is Kawarama? Madara, Tobirama, Hashirama, Itama?”

“He’s exploring the village.” A boy with black hair on one side and white on the other answered, tears in his eyes with fear. He was Itama. “He’s still amazed there is such a place where clans live in peace instead of constantly at war.”

“Though, I still can’t believe it was us who did this,” A brown, bowl cut style hair boy said, looking at the photos of the Hokage. This boy was Hashirama and looking start at the adult, long hair version of himself as the First Hokage. “We actually stopped the adults' foolish war.”

“And you had my help, but why am I not up there as a leader?” A dark hair boy grumbled, glaring at the Hokage. “I mean, I don’t care for being a leader, but at least some recognition would be nice.” The boy, Madara pouted, not happy at all.

“It’s probably due to you betrayed the village.” A white hair boy sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Though, I don’t know how someone who easily freezes up with someone behind them could help make this village of shinobi.” The white hair boy, Tobirama, sighed without emotion.

“You want to go at it?” Madara growled, glaring at Tobirama.

“Could you two please not fight? I rather not question this peaceful world. Our siblings are alive instead of buried in the ground.” Itama said, somberly looking down. “Isn’t that more than what we can wish for?”

Both Tobirama and Madara looked at each other before nodding and looking down. “Sorry, it’s just so hard to believe we somehow end up in a future like this. Though, I wonder what will happen if we are killed,” Madara asked, a bit pale at his thought.

“You all died already.” Hiruzen said, sitting back down at his desk. “And you all revived at that strange building that appeared three to four weeks ago.” Hiruzen looked down the window of his office, right at the large building that was settled right next to the Hokage Monument. It was like a shrine, only of an odd design that was with pointed roofs and beautiful glass windows. So far, we have confirmed relatives of this village who died just before the formation of the village have been reviving from that building. Any shinobi of Konoha who died on mission after that building has appear also revives.

“How did someone stop death in this future?” Itama asked, confused. “And why were we revived? The last I remember is dying on the battlefield and then reviving in that weird place very tired and worn out.” Itama looked out the window, seeing where Hiruzen was looking at.

“That is the question on everyone’s minds. Death was permanent till that thing appeared and things began to change. Even the Ryou used for money has been slowly transforming into gold coins. Also, to leave the village, shinobi have to choose a strange title and gain new abilities from it at the cost of their jutsu changing and disappearing from their minds.” Hiruzen sighed, now looking at his reflection. “It has left everything in a confusing mess. If we did not have Konoha set up for such a diverse situations due to the amount of clans and people here, then Konoha would have been in total chaos.”

Log Horizon: Alien Chronicles Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now