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Authornote-Surprise! Bet no one was expecting a Friday update with the early upload. I actually am doing a triple chapter upload for this Friday as celebration for Black Friday(more like the fact I got out of doing the madness than the actual event, heh heh).  The upside of buffers is it makes it possible for me to do this for holidays and such without worrying to much. Hope you all enjoy this holiday treat!

I did not expect Shiroe-san to have company with him. Akatsuki thought trying h-no, its body. This is not my body. Must remember that. Or else I will really lose it. Akatsuki watched as the Enchanter Shiroe entered the building it was waiting in.

The armored man must be a Guardian. Why would Shiroe-san and Boss-san be working with him? Akatsuki pondered, trying to control h-its nerves. Shiroe-san and Boss-san are anti-social mages and capable of fighting on their own even with how the world is now. This is quite odd. Plus, I never seen that Guardian before. Is he from another server?

“Ah!” Akatsuki shifted, hearing footsteps as the three came into the destroyed restaurant h-it was standing in. Akatsuki gave a wary glare at the Guardian, not knowing who he was except his name was Naotsugu through the status menus. I need to be on guard. Even though I know Shiroe-san and Boss-san from the game, they might be completely different now.

“Akatsuki-san. This is Naotsugu, a Guardian. He’s a reliable old friend of mine.” Shiroe said with a reassuring tone. Akatsuki tensed when Naotsugu stepped forward, h-it’s muscle ready to spring to action for combat.

“The name’s Naotsugu. Nice to meet you. Whether you’re an open pervert or closet pervert, let’s get along together!”

He’s an idiot, Akatsuki thought, watching as Las Boss bopped Naotsugu across the head with his fist. No, focus Akatsuki. You must finish this challenge or else stay cursed in this body!

“I've been looking for you, Shiroe-san.” Akatsuki said, pulling down h-its mask.

“You have business with me?”Shiroe asked, making Akatsuki feel even more nervous and troubled.

Taking a deep breath to calm down, Akatsuki took the plunge. “I want you to sell me a Reset Appearance Potion.” Akatsuki wanted to hide from the shock looks on Shiroe and Naotsugu with recognizing the gender of the body from the voice.

“A-A-Akatsuki-san… C-Could it be you? You’re a girl?”Shiroe asked, getting blush on the male ninja who was a girl on the inside. “T-That’s a surprise.” Shiroe said, sheepishly blushing as well.

Or course it is. I been stuck in a male body for four days. Akatsuki thought before jumping and drawing her sword from the flash of green that appeared in her vision.

[YOU STILL HAVE AN APPEARANCE RESET POTION!] Akatsuki blinked at the transparent text box before Las Boss, pointing at Shiroe. Las Boss’s angry face turned to surprise to match the others.

“Boss, you could do that this whole time?” Shiroe asked as the text box disappear. Akatsuki watched as Las Boss tried to get the text box back, doing odd faces and poses to bring forth new screen. “Guess not,” Shiroe sighed as Las Boss got furious and pointed at Akatsuki.

[OPEN SESAME OIL YA SON OF A BUN!] An awkward silence filled the air. Akatsuki, however, could not control her body’s laughter at the scene. Shiroe and Naotsugu joining in from the echo her body was hearing..

Ow! Akatsuki bit the her lips, finding an annoyed Las Boss had bopped all three of them in the head out of spike.

“Ah, I also have a Reset Appearance Potion,” Naotsugu said before yelping when Las Boss hugged him.

Log Horizon: Alien Chronicles Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now