Ch. 18

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Las Boss looked forward, too focused on his thoughts to enjoy the colors of the setting sun. The night beginning to nip the sky with a bit of purple.

It worked, so I now have to hurry and finish it before Kurama runs out of time. Las Boss thought, going through various bits of information he remembered through the ages. The issues now is getting him a physical form. Possibly use a fake body to give me more time? The problem is I have no idea how this body separates health and mana in this world. Could I even make a fake body in time? Even with successfully summoning Kurama out of the seal in his mind, Las Boss knew it was incomplete. The fact he got damage and Kurama disappeared when the time limit finished  showed that much. Ah, maybe looking into revival items and spells might help me. Since they cover HP, maybe I can make an artificial body-

"Aeh..." Las Boss gasped, gripping his chest. Pain began to flood his body from his chest. Dammit. It hurts. A lot. Is this backlash?

"[    ]-kun?" Naruko asked, her voice filled with confusion.

What is this pain coming from? Las Boss thought before realizing  his consciousness fading. Shit! Don’t tell me!

"Gi..." Las Boss threw his reins over his head, hearing Naruko gasped. He leaned down, now heaving with his lungs getting heavy. His throat feeling like it was constricting and his lungs burning. A heart attack? Is it going to take me only or is it taking both of us?

"[   ]-kun! Are you alright?" Naruko shouted, the griffon jerking for a moment. "Shit! [   ]-kun, stay with me," The griffon shifted around before stabilizing itself.

Good. She can fly it. She won’t die if I really croak here. Las Boss thought before closing his eyes. He opened them again to find himself on his knees before Kurama. The fox  wheezing and withering in pain.

"Brat... I think... It's my time..." Kurama gasped. Las Boss looked around, seeing the white space having devoured what was left of his old mind and now taking over the cage. However, there were odd circuit markings now shooting off the cage and into the white space.

"Shit... Seems I might be going with you." Las Boss said before looking at his status windows. "What?" Las Boss gasped, seeing his HP was fine. In fact, it's base limit was going up along with his MP's with his current HP and MP staying. Is that why I am hurting so much? Wait, don’t tell me it’s giving me Kurama’s health and mana!

"It's... giving you... My chakra..." Kurama said, a grin forming. "Your spell..." Las Boss quickly opened his spell menu and chuckled.

"This might be rough, but I only got one chance at this!” Las Boss shouted, pulling out his staff. “It’s going to be you or me, maybe both of us, but I won’t let you die without trying!” Las Boss shouted, a large magic circle appearing beneath Kurama. If I apply the concept of what I do know of resurrection and healing spells and healing jutsu and combined the two spells I did before.

“Force Summon: Artificial Resurrection!” Las Boss shouted, green light engulfing the large fox before him. “Yes! Huh?” Las Boss blinked, seeing Kurama’s body beginning to static before him and saw on the menu’s Kurama’s HP and MP depleting at a parabolic rate. “No! That’s not what it is supposed to do! Dammit! Heal!” Las Boss shouted, unleashing a healing spell, but was shocked with getting an error message before him. “Nani? What kind of crap is this!” Las Boss screamed, trying to use any healing spell.

"Heh heh..." Kurama weakly chuckled with the Druid. "It seems… this is the end… The world is keeping you from...stopping it." Kurama smiled, seeing Las Boss try to open his travelling chest, but even the drawers would not open. He kept getting an error message.

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