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"If only those dragons hadn't spawn over the mountain, we could just fly all the way to Susukino!" Naotsugu complained, having gotten off his griffon and stretching his legs. "Still hurts like riding a horse." Akatsuki glared at him while getting off of Shiroe's griffon. She looked at the beast with some fear as Shiroe took off its harness and saddle before it's two companions and it flew off.

Sensei and my lord are amazing. Akatsuki thought, still remembering the amazing view she got to see.

The party had stopped for lunch the roughly three days ago on their first day, having not gotten far on horses. However, Akatsuki was shocked when her three other companions pulled out unique bamboo whistles and summoned Griffons that they used for the rest of the journey. That was why Sensei had planned such a low amount of food for a journey that should take a month. I thought he was planning for us to resupply at towns to keep our packs light…But this method will keep us in top form for once we reach Susukino. Akatsuki thought before her eyes widen as they moved to the entrance of the dungeon before them.

[Real life always beats out art. This is amazing.] Las Boss whistled at the entrance of the dungeon that all four knew was Depths of Palm.

"We used to come here a lot when it was a game… But it looks different…" Shiroe said, studying the entrance.

[It got an overhaul due to the enhance visuals that were coming with the console.] Las Boss explained while pulling out his spear and holding it out. [However, I believe we should be careful as there is also new content for this area if I remember correctly.]

"The expansion?" Shiroe asked as they entered the dungeon.

“Summon: Aldurne!” Las Boss hissed, a magic circle appearing and a toddler like plant creature appeared. [Yeah. A lot of dungeons and such got updated looks and content.] Las Boss did a thumbs up while the little creature held up its arms.

“A summoning?” Akatsuki asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion as Las Boss got the summoned plant creature onto his shoulders.

“Ah, that’s right. Even though Depth of Palm has some plant life, it’s mostly rock and such.” Naotsugu said while Las Boss and Shiroe using their lighting spells to give them light.

“What does plant life have to do with a summoning?” Akatsuki asked, glaring at Naotsugu. They know so much more than me. Why are they hiding such things like the whistles?

“Willow Spirits and several other Druids spells requires plants in the area to work,” Shiroe said, looking at the summoning on Las Boss’s shoulders. “A plant-type summoning counts as plants in the area which will allow spells like Willow Spirits to work. Though, why haven’t you made a permanent contract with a summoning?” Shiroe asked, looking at the Druid.

[My build made it hard to work with a permanent summoning.] Las Boss sighed, the Aldurne cocking its head at the others. [However, from what I seen, the summonings AI has become like real minds though I still have to properly compare the pros and cons before I decide on one. I am a crown control build, which most of the summonings are not built for.]

"Ah, true. Akatsuki-san, can you scout?" Shiroe asked thought sweating with seeing the glare he was getting from Akatsuki.

"Yes, my lord." Akatsuki answered, disappearing with using her skills. She began looking throughout the area as Las Boss stayed with Shiroe and Naotsugu. The trio stayed in the open middle part of the tunnels in case they were attack. It gave them plenty of room to move about without any issues if a battle began.

"Reporting… No enemies in sight." Akatsuki answered while landing on top of a pillar to also see the next area with her Night Vision. Amazing we have yet to run into enemies. I was expecting them right off the bat.

Log Horizon: Alien Chronicles Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now